what causes extreme fatigue and weakness in 3rd trimester pregnancy?

(April 4, 2012)

What causes weakness in legs during pregnancy?

Are you suffering from severe pain in legs during pregnancy? Leg pain is a common complaint with several pregnant women. It usually occurs when cramps tighten the muscles in your legs. Even though leg pain is a normal occurrence during pregnancy, you should keep our doctor informed about it, as it could be indicative of a serious problem at times. Given below are some of the common causes of pain in legs during pregnancy:

  • Injuries mainly affecting the legs, thighs or hips
  • Pressure on the spinal nerves
  • Sitting or standing in the same position for a long time
  • Lack of fluids in the body
  • Muscle strain
  • Problems in blood circulation

As your baby grows, your uterus applies additional pressure on to your spine and your legs, which can lead to pain and weakness in legs during pregnancy. However, at times, pain and weakness in the legs during pregnancy could be symptoms of sciatica.

At one time, it was also believed that you could experience pain in your legs during pregnancy, because of calcium deficiency. However, health experts now claim that this theory is not true. Nevertheless, make sure that you follow a nutritious diet and take the supplements recommended by your doctor, so that your baby grows properly and your overall health improves.

Submitted by J on April 4, 2012 at 05:18

What is a normal body temperature during first trimester pregnancy?

Although 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit is considered a normal body temperature, during pregnancy, especially in the first trimester pregnant women experience slightly higher body temperatures which is considered absolutely normal. This increase in body temperature during the first trimester is mainly because of the increased levels of progesterone in a woman’s body. Progesterone is also responsible for raising the basal body temperature during a woman’s ovulation cycle. Low body temperature during the first trimester of pregnancy could mean low levels of progesterone which could in turn indicate a risk of miscarriage. If the body temperature of a pregnant woman increases to 100 degrees or more it could be detrimental to the health of the growing baby. Raised body temperature during the first trimester can increase the chances of birth defects in the baby and even cause other complications. Any drastic changes in body temperature during the first trimester should always be reported to the doctor immediately.

Submitted by N on March 13, 2012 at 05:02

How to overcome weakness during pregnancy?

If you have been experiencing a considerable amount of weakness during pregnancy, rest assured that you are not alone. In fact weakness is one of the common symptoms of pregnancy. However, in today’s fast-paced world, you may not be able to allow this weakness to affect your everyday activities. Fortunately, there are many ways in which you can overcome weakness during pregnancy.

  • Make it a point to get an adequate amount of sleep and rest during the day. All pregnant women should sleep for at least 8 hours or so each day and rest for another 2 hours. This will help rejuvenate your mind and your body, reducing the problem of weakness during pregnancy.
  • Follow a healthy diet, which contains high amounts of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, cereals, lean meat, dairy products, nuts and seeds. The nutrients in these foods will increase your energy and will keep the weakness at bay. Also ensure that you take the prenatal supplements recommended by your doctor regularly.
  • Drink a lot of water and electrolytes throughout the day, so that you do not feel dehydrated. Cut back on caffeine, aerated beverages and juice with added sugar or preservatives
  • Exercising will not cause you to get more tired; on the contrary, a short walk can help you feel better and more energetic. Unless your doctor has advised you otherwise, make it a point to exercise for half an hour each day.

If the weakness during pregnancy persists, it may be best for you to seek medical assistance. In case you experience muscle weakness during pregnancy, you should let your doctor know about it, as it could be a symptom of thyroid problems.

Submitted by J on March 13, 2012 at 01:54

Is it normal to experience body aches during early pregnancy?
If you are pregnant, you have probably experienced at least a couple unpleasant pregnancy symptoms like cramps, backaches, morning sickness and breast tenderness, to name a few. These are the common symptoms that most women often complain about. But do you also experience body aches during pregnancy? If yes, rest assured you are not alone. It is quite normal to experience body aches during pregnancy, especially after you just wake up from sleep.

Though every pregnancy is different, you are likely to feel the pain around your hips, legs, inner thighs, shoulders and lower back. This happens because your bones become a bit more elastic during pregnancy. Women are usually advised against painkillers to relieve body aches during pregnancy, but this does not mean that you have to live with the aches and pains. Body ache can be elevated to some extent by getting around half an hour of exercise each day. Unless your doctor has guided you otherwise, try to walk for around 30 minutes on a daily basis. Also make sure that you get an adequate amount of sleep and rest during the day. Avoid sleeping on your back; sleep on your left side instead. Increase your intake of calcium and vitamins to strengthen your bones, by adding plenty of fruits, vegetables and dairy products to your diet.

Body aches during early pregnancy are not very common and they are definitely not a symptom of pregnancy. If you are suffering from severe body pain during the initial stages of pregnancy, do let your doctor know about it.

Submitted by N on September 26, 2011 at 05:19

Pregnancy results in significant changes in a woman’s body. A huge amount of strain is exerted on the body as it prepares itself for accommodating and nourishing the developing baby. Hormonal changes begin taking place and these have considerable effects on the body. The body begins to work extra hard in order to fulfill the needs of the mother and the growing baby.

Most women experience considerable fatigue and tiredness during the first trimester of pregnancy. Hormonal changes may result in sluggishness and sleepiness. The body also expends a large amount of its energy in the development of the placenta which will provide for the baby throughout the course of the pregnancy. During the second trimester, the body will have gotten used to the changes and is better able to deal with them. In the third trimester, during the last few months of pregnancy, the baby will have grown considerably. This added weight exerts a strain on the mother’s body, who will spend a great deal of energy in meeting these extra demands. For most women, the third trimester results in discomfort and fatigue. Sleep also becomes elusive due to the additional weight and as such fatigue commonly occurs. Mood swings also frequently take place during pregnancy, exerting emotional strain.  Backaches occur during the last few months as hormones work on the pelvic bones to prepare for delivery. Shortness of breath also occurs as the uterus expands in size. The growing uterus may even alter the position of the stomach slightly, resulting in heartburn. False labor contractions also occur during this time. The legs, ankles and feet may also swell as there is increased pressure on the veins in these areas. All these symptoms result in weakness and fatigue in most women.

There are certain steps that you can take to relieve the strain on the body and alleviate fatigue. Rest is very important during pregnancy and pregnant women must allow their bodies to rest at regular intervals. It is also a good idea to allow your partner to step in and help out with household chores. Getting adequate sleep is imperative and pregnant women usually require more sleep than average. During pregnancy the body needs to fulfill yours as well as the baby’s nutritional requirements and hence eating right is vital. Avoid caffeine or sugary foods when you feel low and tired as these will aggravate the condition after providing a temporary boost. If the symptoms of weakness and fatigue are severe and continue throughout the pregnancy without subsiding, it is advisable to consult your doctor.

Submitted by P T on January 14, 2010 at 08:31

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