Toddler vomiting blood?

(March 3, 2010)

The experience of someone vomiting blood can be very scary given the fact that vomiting blood is considered to be one of the foremost symptoms indicating a person is affected by a serious medical condition. Given the fact that we have a tendency to get overly worried about a child’s health because of their underdeveloped immunity, parents will tend to panic heavily if they saw their toddler vomit blood. A little information about why toddlers vomit and how to gauge whether it is really a very serious issue will help a parent look at the situation in perspective and avoid putting too much stress on them. First and foremost, a toddler vomiting rather frequently is not an uncommon case. Toddlers tend to throw up frequently as they adapt to their dietary changes and their bodies develop. The fact that a number of toddlers will also attempt to simply act as if they are vomiting as a tantrum does not help the situation. However, the parent should be able to clearly identify the differences between the two as the natural reaction of vomiting will see a lot more food be thrown up against a few spoons of milk trickling down the side of the mouth.

There are a number of situations that will cause a toddler to vomit blood, some more serious than others. One of the most common of these situations is when the blood content in the vomit is the result of an injury within the mouth. Injuries inside the mouth are, again, a very common occurrence primarily because of the tendency of most toddlers to put toys and other objects into their mouth. Any sharp object is likely to be the source of trauma. Another common reason for the presence of blood in vomit is the presence of tiny tears in the esophagus caused by the force with which the vomit is propelled out of the body. Another thing to look out for is if the vomit contains either bile, which is a green looking substance or blood that has a dark coffee color as they are both indicative of more serious medical concerns present in the toddler’s body such as a blockage in the intestines.

Given the fact that the immunity system of the toddler is still a developing one, it is important to ease him back into good health. Keep in mind the fact that the child is losing important fluids when vomiting, so it is important to continually replace them and avoid dehydration.

Submitted by P T on March 3, 2010 at 12:34

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