Does Typhoid Fever at 8th month affect baby?

(September 13, 2012)

How to prevent typhoid fever?

Typhoid fever infects individuals via contaminated food and water. One of the ways to prevent typhoid fever, therefore, is to ensure that the food is cooked well, especially all meats, and vegetables. You can also prevent typhoid fever by making sure that you wash your hand thoroughly before preparing as well as serving food. Another way to prevent typhoid fever is to make sure you do not consume food that has been left uncovered for a long time. Typhoid fever can also be prevented by drinking only boiled water. You should also strictly avoid the consumption of food, as well as beverages from street vendors. In most cases, these foods are not cooked and stored in hygienic conditions. Similarly to prevent typhoid fever you should always consume vegetables and fruits that have been rinsed well in clean water. Try and avoid raw vegetables and fruits for some time, and consume fruits that can be peeled. To prevent typhoid fever from spreading via an infected person, you should avoid prolonged contact with the infected person and keep their personal items separate from the rest of the household's.

Submitted by N on September 13, 2012 at 07:43

Does typhoid fever at 8th month affect pregnancy?

Typhoid fever is known to spread through the intake of contaminated water or food and even through close contact with an individual who is already suffering from typhoid. Some of the symptoms of typhoid fever in pregnancy and even otherwise are– abdominal pain, persistent high fever, constipation and diarrhea. Typhoid fever during the 8th month of pregnancy or even at any other stage of the pregnancy is known to be detrimental to both mother and baby. This is because typhoid tends to result in a loss of appetite. The pregnant woman consumes lesser nutrients than are required, and this will adversely affect the growth of her developing baby. Typhoid fever in pregnancy is also known to result in anemia, which is again dangerous for the baby. For good treatment of typhoid fever during pregnancy, it is important to consult a qualified doctor. The doctor will prescribe safe medications for the pregnant mother. Additionally the treatment of typhoid fever in pregnancy will also require a dietary change. This includes the consumption of minimal oil, low fat, non spicy and low fiber foods, as well as an increase in the intake of fluids such as clean drinking water and juices to prevent dehydration.

Submitted by N on March 13, 2012 at 04:43

What care to take while suffering with typhoid in pregnancy

In general if a pregnant woman suffers from any kind of illness during the course of her pregnancy it could have a negative effect on the health of the developing baby. If you suffer from a typhoid fever in the third trimester of your pregnancy it is best to get yourself treated at the earliest to avoid complications like miscarriages, still births and premature delivery. Pregnant women with typhoid fever are generally treated with ceftriaxone or amoxicillin injections. Doctors also prescribe other medications which are safe for consumption during pregnancy. It is important to avoid self medication during pregnancy to avoid other complications. To avoid negative effects of a typhoid fever on the baby’s health it is important for the expectant mother to eat well and keep herself hydrated at all times as symptoms of typhoid like diarrhea can easily lead to dehydration and also negatively affect the developing baby.

Submitted by N on December 20, 2011 at 05:11

Any kind of infection during pregnancy can affect the fetus adversely if not dealt with immediately. Typhoid fever results in a loss of appetite and other problems of the digestive tract. Since the patient of typhoid fever has to be on a particular diet and must avoid consuming solid foods, the expectant mother may be deprived of essential nutrients that are obtained through solid foods. Other than that, typhoid fever is also a major cause of anemia; so, it can have an adverse effect on the pregnant woman and the fetus. Typhoid fever also debilitates the immune system of the sufferer. And, a woman's immunity levels are anyway low during during pregnancy. So, it can double up the trouble for her if she suffers from typhoid fever. Hence, a lot of care has to be taken to prevent the fever as it can cause a lot more distress to the mother, like bowel ulceration, headache, chills and nausea. And if not treated in time, typhoid fever may take weeks to cure. However, if the fever is treated quickly, it may not have an effect on the baby as the fetus has almost fully developed by the eighth month.

Typhoid fever during pregnancy is caused by drinking contaminated water or living in unsanitary conditions. So, an expectant mother must ensure to drink only purified or boiled water and keep her surroundings clean to prevent typhoid fever. Traveling to developing nations and places like Africa, Latin America and Asia must be avoided as much as possible. Other than maintaining a healthy diet and consuming lots of water, the expectant mother who is suffering from typhoid fever must visit the doctor regularly to ensure that the infection is out of the system completely. There are chances of the fever relapsing if it not taken out of the body from the roots. Other than a course of antibiotics, typhoid fever can be dealt with with some alternative remedies. Drinking lukewarm water with honey is an effective remedy for treating this ailment. Drinking unsweetened lime water is also a good remedy that has no harmful effect on a pregnant woman. Consuming a mashed ripe banana mixed with honey twice a day for a few days can also bring relief from the fever. Oranges can be consumed liberally as it is easily digestible and nutritious. If the expectant mother experiences vomiting, she can have coconut water as it alleviates vomiting and is generally good for health

Submitted by P T on April 19, 2010 at 06:02

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