Pregnancy First Trimester TestsAfter your
pregnancy test shows a positive result, be prepared to undergo a series of other tests within the first three months of your pregnancy. As soon as you realize or confirm that you are pregnant, waste no time in scheduling your first doctor’s appointment. Make sure you set plenty of time aside for the first visit, as you may have a lot to discuss with your doctor about your medical history. On the first visit, the doctor will put you through a physical exam, to check your height, weight, blood pressure, heart condition and overall health. At times, the doctor may conduct an ultrasound test, to confirm the pregnancy and to check what stage the pregnancy is in. Through this, you can also determine your approximate due date.
At the same time, the doctor will put you through a pelvic exam, by examining your vagina, along with your cervix (the opening of the uterus), to check for abnormalities and infections. A blood test will also be conducted to identify your blood type and to check if you have been exposed to any harmful diseases in the past. A blood sample will also be required for an HIV test. A urine test may be required to rule out the possibility of kidney or bladder infections. A Pap test may also be required, to check for cervical cancer.
The ultrasound sonogram may be conducted through various stages of the pregnancy, to monitor the growth of the baby. During your first trimester, this test is useful in determining the size and location of the embryo. In case an expecting mother has problems with spotting or bleeding, an ultrasound can help you to identify the reason. Many people are apprehensive about undergoing this test; however, there have been no reported cases, to show that it causes any harm to either the mother, or the baby.
In case the expectant mother is over 35 years old or has a history of reproductive problems, she may need to undergo a CVS (Chorionic villus Sampling). The Chorionic villus is the part of the placenta that is attached to the uterus or womb lining. A bit of the placental tissue is used as a sample for a chromosome test. This is a new way of diagnosing chromosomal abnormalities, as well as other birth defects. It is normally performed between the 9th and 11th weeks of pregnancy.
To sum it up, in the
first trimester, the tests that are recommended by most doctors are:
• A physical exam
• A pelvic exam
• Complete Urinalysis
• An ultrasound sonogram
• CBC (Compete Blood Count)
• Rubella titer
• Blood type and RH factor
• HIV Test
• Syphilis
• Hepatitis B screening
• Pap test (Optional)
Submitted by P T on June 1, 2010 at 03:37
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