Conditions During Week 3 of Pregnancy?

(July 7, 2010)

3 Weeks Pregnant Conditions

During pregnancy week 3, the baby is still too small to be identified by the naked eye however the baby is definitely growing at a tremendous speed. During week 3, there are plenty of women who still haven’t realized that they have conceived. At this stage of pregnancy the baby is still an embryo that is made up of a ball of cells. The baby is almost .006 inches in length. In pregnancy week 3, amniotic fluid will begin to collect around the embryo in a cavity that will eventually develop into the amniotic sac. The amniotic sac and fluid act as a protective cushion for the baby through out the entire pregnancy of nine months. In pregnancy week 3 the embryo will use a primitive circulation system that comprises of tunnels that connect the baby to the wall of the uterus. The placenta has still not developed during this stage of pregnancy and the baby will depend on its mother completely for its intake of nutrients. In pregnancy week 3 some women may notice a slight bleeding or spotting which tends to occur when the fertilized egg implants itself on the uterine lining.

Conditions during week 3 of pregnancy are not noticeable as the baby is still very tiny and fertilization and implantation has just occurred. Some women will experience some amount of bloating at the time of ovulation but there will not be any significant weight gain or loss in the mother during pregnancy week 3. Women who are in the early weeks of pregnancy should completely eliminate alcohol, caffeine, nicotine and any other such stimulants from their diet as they could adversely affect the baby and also lead to serious birth defects.  Throughout the pregnancy the mother should follow a healthy well balanced diet that is rich is plenty of fruits and vegetables to provide her and the baby with all the essential vitamins and nutrients required during pregnancy. In pregnancy week 3, women should also consume plenty of fresh drinking water to keep them hydrated and fresh. Women have to also modify their diet to include foods that are rich in calcium and proteins during pregnancy. Calcium is an essential mineral required for the healthy development of the bones, teeth and skeletal structure of the baby and protein is required for building the baby’s muscle mass. Pregnant women should also indulge in light exercises as far as possible to keep themselves fit and active.

Submitted by P T on July 7, 2010 at 02:33

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