Why Breastfeeding Is Important?

(November 24, 2010)

Breast feeding is considered to be the most beneficial and natural acts that a mother can do for her child. Breastfeeding helps in providing the child with optimal and complete mix of both antibodies and nutrients. The different components of breast milk keep pace with the child’s growth and also with the changing requirements in an infant’s diet. Some studies have indicated that those children that are breast fed tend to have a lower incidence of diarrhea and vomiting. Breastfeeding is also found to be beneficial in preventing against incidents of gastroenteritis and of necrotizing entercolitis. Breast fed children also have a reduced chance of colic, constipation and various other kinds of stomach ailments that are a common occurrence when one is young. Breastfeeding toddlers additionally have reduced chances of contracting childhood diabetes which tends to occur more among the non breast fed or the formula fed children.

These children that are breast fed are protected against various respiratory illnesses, ear infections, and bronchitis, pneumonia, septicemia and kidney infections. Likewise studies have indicated that children that are breast fed have a reduced chance of contracting different allergies or asthma or eczema. They are also protected against the risk of contracting SIDS which is also known as Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. Studies have indicated that only 3 breast fed children in a group of 87 children are likely to die from SIDS. Children that are breast fed by their mothers are also protected against botulism, meningitis, childhood lymphoma, ulcerative entercolits and crohn’s disease. Breast fed children have a decreased chance of suffering from cavities or tooth decay. Nursing one’s child is also beneficial it is said in enhancing the child’s vision and speech and some studies indicate that children that are breast fed tend to develop a higher IQ level. These children tend to have an improved nervous system and also an improved brain. Human milk or the mother’s milk is said to contain certain specific proteins which are beneficial in promoting the child’s brain development. Children that are breast fed have reduced chance of suffering from heart disease conditions in the later years of their life. They also tend to have a raised bone density as compared to those children that are not breast fed. It has been found that those babies that are breast fed tend to share a special emotional bond with their mothers and they tend to have a low risk of childhood obesity problems.

Submitted by J on November 24, 2010 at 05:34

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