When Is My Due Date?

(October 19, 2012)

How can I determine the exact day I got pregnant?

There are plenty of important dates that you would want to know when you first get the news that you are pregnant. The key dates that any pregnant woman would like to know immediately are firstly when is she due and secondly when did she conceive. Typically it is not possible to know exactly what day you got pregnant. However, there are methods and techniques to calculate a range of possible dates.

  • To determine the exact day you got pregnant or at least a close approximation, you need to first recollect the first day of your last menstrual cycle before you got pregnant. Once this has been derived, then you need to add 11 days to that date.
  • After that, add another 21 days to the first day of your periods and then make a note of this date separately.
  • The two numbers arrived at with the above calculations are basically the range of dates within which you may have conceived. This is because in most women with a normal menstrual cycle, ovulation tends to occur between 11 to 21 days from the first day of their period.
  • Most women will also try to arrive at the day they got pregnant by tracking the day they had sexual intercourse with their partner. However, you need to keep in mind that sperm can live inside the body of a woman for up to 5 days and hence you could have conceived anytime during those five days after intercourse, depending on the ovulation cycle.
  • Another technique to determine the exact day you got pregnant or as close to the exact day is workable if you have kept a track of the consistency of the vaginal discharge. Typically, when you ovulate your body tends to produce a higher quantity of thick vaginal discharge so as to keep the vagina lubricated and in turn also increase the life span of the sperm once it enters into the vagina.
  • In most cases it has been observed that determining the exact day you got pregnant is very tricky and very often this exact day may not be arrived at.
  • One of the ways to arrive at the day you got pregnant if you know your due date is to calculate backwards. In this case you should subtract 266 days from the due date and the date you arrive at is likely to be the date you conceived.

Submitted by N on October 19, 2012 at 07:01

Due Date Chart

Going through a pregnancy is one of the highlights of any woman’s life and the ability to bring life into this world evokes a very different series of events and helps a woman blossom even further on a personality and spiritual scale. However, the pregnancy process is a phase that is likely to trigger a number of varying emotions over a rather short span of time.

The pregnancy cycle is a rather long one because of the number of progressions that the baby needs to go through within the mother’s womb. Although every expecting mother will have varying specific timelines when it comes to the expected due date, the average generally tends to revolve around 40 weeks from the time of conception to the date of delivery. To be more precise, the due date chart shows that the due date is typically calculated from the first day of the last menstrual period of the woman with the eventual date lying between 266 days from then and 280 days from then. Most women will tend to get worried with questions such as ‘when is my due date?’ and ‘how do I find out my due date?’ especially when they have no recollection of when the last day of their last menstrual period was. Today however modern medicine has helped find a number of ways to help us zero in on these factors. Visiting a maternity doctor or nurse will see them use early ultrasound in order to help determine the due date of the baby that you are carrying. It is not uncommon for an incorrect expected due date to be given to you by a doctor or nurse, but one has to take into account certain other factors such as implantation bleeding that play their part in the series of events that take place at the time. There is also the belief amongst a number of maternal medical practitioners that it is a better option to divulge monthly timeframes. They would therefore provide you with an estimated due date such as in saying ‘you are due at the end of March or the beginning of April, rather than using specific dates. This is also done as the condition tends to cause a few mothers to panic after the date has lapsed. It is important to understand that a pregnant woman’s due date is not set in stone and is likely to change depending on a number of factors that are practically out of her control.

Given that a number of mothers generally think to themselves ‘when is my due date’, being able to calculate your due date is known to help a number of mothers cope with the numerous changes taking place within their bodies. There are also a number of websites on the internet that help calculate the approximate due dates of pregnant women. The entire process will give you not only an idea of when to expect your baby to arrive, but also the reasons it takes as long as it does. Another subject that might be of interest to you is that of premature babies. However, there is a chance that it might evoke more fear than a feeling of expectancy. As such conditions are known to cause complications in the child’s physical as well as mental capabilities. Studies have shown that about eighty percent of all mothers will experience a full term birth while the remaining 20 percent give birth outside these parameters. Understanding the entire pregnancy cycle is an important part of being able to cope with the stress and tension that will tend to experience crests and troughs over the term of the pregnancy.

Submitted by J on December 6, 2010 at 11:22

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