How To Relieve Pregnancy Constipation?

(December 7, 2010)

Constipation is an unpleasant but common side effect of pregnancy. There are many reasons for constipation in pregnancy and likewise, there are also many ways you can relieve pregnancy constipation. Constipation in pregnancy is caused by the changing hormones, the pressure of the growing baby, dietary changes, stress, prenatal vitamins as well as certain diseases. During pregnancy, hormonal changes can affect bowel movements. During the first trimester of pregnancy, the hormone progesterone increases and this slows down the movement of food through the digestive tract. The muscles in the walls of the bowel relax and it is then difficult to move the food and eliminate the waste too. As the pregnancy advances, the uterus grows and pushes against the stomach and other organs and causes constipation as well.

Here are some ways you can relive pregnancy constipation.

1. Eat a high fiber diet: This is by far the most important way to both prevent and get rid of pregnancy constipation. Whole grains, fruits, vegetables, bran, prunes and so on are excellent sources of fiber and other nutrients as well. Fiber rich food is important as it makes the intestines work harder and absorbs liquid. This helps because it ensures that the stools do not dry out and remain soft. It is easier to pass such stools out of the body then.
2. Increase in fluid intake: Pregnant women should drink at least six to eight glasses of water and other fluids throughout the day. Water is the best remedy for constipation but fruit juices work well too. If you live in hot or humid climate or if you are sweating more than usual, it is even more important that you increase your fluid intake.
3. Prenatal supplements/vitamins: Sometimes, the prenatal supplements or vitamins that you are taking cause constipation in pregnancy as well. To relieve pregnancy constipation brought on by this, inform your doctor and ask him/her to prescribe medication that is specially formulated for pregnant women. Your doctor might even change your prenatal supplement as this will relieve pregnancy constipation. If you are taking an iron supplement, ensure that you are drinking enough water as mentioned above. Ask your doctor if you can reduce your iron supplement dose or take smaller doses throughout the day.
4. Exercise: Exercising daily is a good way to cure pregnancy constipation. Even light to moderate exercise, such as walking will help to loosen the bowels and relieve pregnancy constipation. Exercise will also make you feel less bloated. Swimming is another exercise you can do safely during pregnancy as well. Your bowels will be more stimulated if you increase your level of activity. Do check with your doctor before starting out on any exercise program. You should exercise for about 20 minutes a day, three to four times a week.
5. Stool softener: If you feel the above remedies are not helping to relieve constipation, check with your doctor about a stool softener. He can prescribe a stool softener that is safe to take during pregnancy. These act mainly to keep the stools soft during pregnancy. Stool softeners are not habit forming either.
6. Natural remedy: Another natural remedy is to alternate between hot and cold beverages as this helps to stimulate and tone the bowel. This also helps one to pass gas which helps relieve the bloated feeling that also accompanies pregnancy.

It is important to inform your doctor if you are constipated. She can also suggest ways to relieve pregnancy constipation. Constipation in pregnancy is not usually a severe problem but if you pass blood, have severe abdominal pain it could be a cause for concern and should be checked out immediately.

Submitted by J on December 7, 2010 at 12:06

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