What does my baby look like at 17 weeks pregnant?

(April 1, 2011)

A baby at 17 weeks pregnant is a little more developed than it was in the sixteenth week. The baby is experiencing a growth spurt at this time and is growing considerably fast. It weighs about 40 grams more than it weighed last week. The baby size at 17 weeks pregnancy is about 11 cm, and it weighs about 140 grams. In another two weeks, the baby would reach a weight of about 200 grams.

Physiologically, the baby is growing very fast now, and the skeleton is developing. The cartilaginous bones are quickly turning into hard skeleton, and as the weeks go by, the skeleton also hardens up. Myelin is a protective substance that begins to be seen around the spinal cord. As the myelin sheath warps the spinal cord, it gets protection from any jerks that the mother feels.
The baby is quickly developing in order to be born now. Baby growth at 17 weeks pregnant is usually one of the fastest. The umbilical cord also begins to grow thicker and stronger, in order to transport more nutrition to the baby. This is also the time when the baby develops sweat glands and has a fully functioning excretion system.

The baby weight at 17 weeks pregnant is considerable, and your growing womb is a sign of the baby’s growth. Since the baby itself weighs about 5 ounces, your center of gravity will shift. And you may feel a little off-balance because of it. The baby can now move its joints and will be rather playful. So if you have been waiting for the kicking, now is the time you will feel it.

Apart from the growing baby dimensions at 17 weeks pregnant, the baby will also be getting active, more so during certain times of the day. If you lay down quietly, you may be able to feel the kicking of your baby. During this time, you will also have to be a little more careful about yourself as being unsteady on your feet may be dangerous to your baby. Make sure you avoid all activities that may have a risk of falling over. When you are in a car, buckle yourself up completely to make sure that you do not feel a lot of jerky movements. You may feel a little uncomfortable with contact lenses, so try and use them as little as possible. If there is pain or any other discomfort, talk to your doctor about it.

Submitted by N on April 1, 2011 at 06:31

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