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How Safe is Drinking Hot Water During Pregnancy
Kieth | September 11, 2012

Drinking sufficient water especially when you're pregnant is recommended. Your body needs it even more during this important stage. Water is a natural hydrant that is essential for your baby and you. Pregnant women are more susceptible to certain ailments and a good intake of water is advised to help cure or prevent some of these problems. While water is essential, is drinking hot water safe during pregnancy?
Hot water is okay to drink depending on how hot the water is. It is of course not recommended that anyone, whether pregnant or otherwise, drink scalding hot water lest you burn the lining of your mouth. You can however have a warm glass of water instead. Tepid water is said to be good for bowel movements. Hot water from taps is however not recommended, especially if the taps are made of lead, as this water tends to have high mineral content. In fact, you should avoid drinking hot tap water even if the pipes in your house are not made of lead, as it could be possible that the pipes that carry water to your home are made of lead. To have your water tested for lead; contact your local health department who will help you out with names of approved laboratories.
Does it harm your baby?
There is no evidence that drinking hot water during pregnancy is unhealthy. However, as mentioned earlier, this is not recommended if the water is too hot or is from lead pipes as it can have serious negative effects on pregnant women and their unborn children. High levels of lead intake can lead to damage to the brain, liver, red blood cells, nervous system and kidneys. Although consumption of lead is dangerous to any human being, it is more of a threat to pregnant women as the harmful properties can stunt the physical and mental development of a child. If your house is old, have your pipes redone and also install a water filtration unit.
How much water intake is safe?
Water is important to drink during pregnancy but the question is how much water is it safe to drink? It is generally recommended that you have 6 to 8 glasses of water a day. Your water intake should increase depending on your weight, the weather and your day-to-day activities. If you exercise, make up for loss of body fluids by consuming extra water. Never wait to get thirsty, drink water during regular intervals. Most pregnant women hesitate to drink a lot of water as it leads to water retention; however it has been proven that the more fluids you take, the less your body tends to retain water.
Drinking adequate water helps to carry nutrients to your baby. It also avoids infections of the bladder/urethra and hemorrhoids. Keep yourself hydrated all the time, especially during the last trimester, as dehydration is sometimes known to cause contractions resulting in pre-term labor. It is best to consult your doctor on the specific amount of water you should consume during your pregnancy.
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