Know What is Best for your New Born Baby

By Ashley | January 12, 2010
Eat Right For Your Baby

It is important to know what is best for your baby when you are pregnant. Eating healthy is the first step towards providing your child with what is best for him/her. Your unborn child derives nourishment from your body and it is therefore very crucial that you eat well. Ensure that you do not skip a meal, especially breakfast. Though pregnancy brings with it a host of digestive disorders like bloating, constipation and nausea, it is important to keep your nutrition levels in mind. Nausea and heartburn are common symptoms during pregnancy that can be overcome by eating small, yet regular meals. Small meals are also an excellent remedy for bloating and gas as they aid digestion and help prevent acidity. You need to eat plenty of fresh vegetables to keep up your nutrition levels when you are pregnant. Iron intake is of special importance for your baby. It is very simple to maintain a regular intake of fresh vegetables. For instance, you can team up most of your meals with salads or pile fresh vegetables onto any dish as a topping. You can try this with fresh fruit as well. Fruits are an excellent dessert choice after a meal and they enrich your system with nutrients.

Eating organic food may be a wise choice when you’re pregnant. Thinking about what is best for your baby involves protecting yourself from the harmful effects of pollutants and parasites. Pesticides sprayed on to vegetables and other contaminants that inhabit food items may lead to complications if you are not careful. Organic food will help minimize the risk of your child’s infection. In addition to iron, your intake of folic acid is equally essential during pregnancy. Folic acid or folate is a kind of vitamin that fortifies your health as well as your child’s. Folic acid is found abundantly in foods like asparagus, broccoli, brussel sprouts, peas, brown rice, baked beans, chickpeas and spinach. Breakfast cereals and wholemeal bread are some other common sources of folic acid. You should eat plenty of bananas and oranges as they are rich in folates. Organic food contains a rich supply of Vitamin C as well as several essential minerals like iron and calcium. Organic food also contains a high level of antioxidants and is potentially free from contaminants like pesticide. Avoid drinking too much caffeine. Avoid consuming alcohol. Drink plenty of water and other fluids as this is an excellent method of curing constipation, another common problem during pregnancy.

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