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How To Treat Cervical Lesions During Pregnancy
sachie | February 10, 2010

The cervix is the neck of the womb that connects the uterus and the vagina. In women, the formation of abnormal or precancerous cells in the cervical region leads to cervical lesions. If left unattended to, these lesions can lead to cancer as well as pose a risk of pregnancy complications. However, the methods used for the removal of these lesions can be equally dangerous whereas pregnancy is concerned. In order to prevent the occurrence of these lesions, periodic testing for cervical cancer is recommended. Women who are considering various options for treating these lesions should be well informed about the effectiveness and long term risks of the procedure, especially related to pregnancy.
Loop electrosurgical excision procedure, commonly known as LEEP, is one of the surgeries used for the removal of cervical lesions. For this procedure, using local anesthesia, the cervix is numbed. An electrically charged wire loop, which acts as a scalpel, is then inserted through the vagina. This wire loop cuts off a thin layer of tissue thus removing the abnormal cells. However, babies born after this procedure, usually have a low birth weight. It also increases the risk of premature labor. Loop electrosurgical excision procedure also increases chances of premature rupturing of the cervical membranes by three times.
Cold knife conization is another method that involves the removal of conical pieces of tissue. This method also increases the risk of premature deliveries and babies born with low birth weight. It also reduces the chances of a normal delivery thus making a C-section inevitable. Laser conization which involves the use of a laser to eliminate abnormal cells in the cervix by cutting them off is also known to be detrimental with regard to pregnancy. This method of treating cervical lesions has similar unfavorable outcomes. However, there is not much evidence to support this derivation. The only known procedure which poses no or minimal risk is laser ablation wherein a laser is used to destroy the anomalous cells.
It is important to bear in mind the seriousness of the lesions when deciding on the mode of treatment. If mild cervical abnormalities or precancerous cells are observed, a simple procedure should be carried out. The use of LEEP should be resorted to only in the case of highly serious precancerous lesions. If the treatment is not suitable to the extent of damage, the chances of getting cervical cancer increases. However, before undergoing any procedure, a second opinion from a well reputed doctor is advisable.
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