Foods to Avoid During Pregnancy

By Ashley | December 29, 2009
Foods To Avoid During Pregnancy

Eating a well balanced, nutritious diet is essential during pregnancy for the proper development of the fetus and the good health of the mother. However, there are certain foods that you should avoid during this period. Though seafood is a rich source of proteins, mercury present in older and larger fish can be harmful to both the mother and the baby. Stay away from swordfish, shark meat, tilefish, and King mackerel as these may be contaminated with mercury. You may eat salmon, cod, tuna, shrimps, catfish and pollock in moderate amounts, either fresh or tinned if the can bears the FDA-approved safety label for pregnant women as a part of Pregnancy Diet.

Fish like striped bass, trout, pike, bluefish and salmon are exposed to industrial pollutants in local lakes and streams, and should therefore be avoided too. You should make sure that any meat you eat is properly cooked. Smoked, baked or steamed fish may contain harmful organisms that can cause damage to the fetus. Raw and undercooked shellfish, oysters, mussels and clams should also be avoided. You should also avoid burgers, hot dogs and sandwiches available at over-the-counter deli joints, as the meat there contain may be contaminated with listeria that may cause blood poisoning, damage the placenta and even lead to miscarriage. Refrigerated pates may also be contaminated and ought to be avoided.

Do not eat raw eggs, foods with Caesar dressings or homemade custards and ice creams that may contain eggs of whose quality you are not certain. Pasteurized eggs are a safer option and may be consumed in regulated amounts. Unpasteurized milk may also be harmful for the baby as it could contain listeria.

Certain varieties of cheese and mayonnaise may also contain listeria so you should be careful while selecting and using these for cooking or garnishing. It is also suggested that you consume as little caffeine as possible, as this is believed to increase the chances of miscarriage, premature birth and low birth weight. This is because caffeine is a natural diuretic that expels water from the body and could lead to loss of essential nutrients like calcium, which hampers the proper development of the fetus. Alcoholic drinks should also be avoided, as they tend to dehydrate the system and may lead to developmental problems. Though it is advisable to eat fresh fruits and vegetables, make sure they are properly washed before you eat them, as germs present in the soil may be present on their surface.

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