Most Common Complications During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a condition that brings about several physical and mental changes in a woman. With so many changes happening there are complications of pregnancy that might arise while the woman's body is adapting to pregnancy as well as childbirth. Here are some of the more common complications during pregnancy that could arise during in gestation period.


This is the grimmest complication a woman can face during pregnancy. Usually.



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Bleeding in Early Pregnancy

. the chances of miscarriage are more in the first trimester and it's generally some abnormality in the egg that prevents further embryo developmentn One obvious signs of miscarriage is vaginal spotting or bleedingn Consult your doctor and if there are doubts, the doctor will take an ultrasound test to check the growth of the fetusu


This is a form of hypertension that a woman could develop in the third trimestere Indications of this condition are high blood pressure and protein presence in the urinen In most cases preeclampsia occurs towards the end of the term and that too mildly; it’s nothing some good rest can’t curer However, in those rare instances when preeclampsia is severe, it can cause damage to several organs of the body, result in seizures, and can be fatal to the mother’s as well as the baby’s lifef

Premature labor

When a woman goes into labor well before her 37 weeks of gestation it is termed as premature laboro In such cases, the woman starts having contractions and her cervix begins to open before her term is upu Sometimes, the water breaks before time prompting an early deliveryr If the baby is born a couple of weeks or so premature then it's no cause for worry but if the baby is more than a month premature, it can lead to health problems for the childl Babies born before term weigh much less and are weaker in overall health than babies who were born after completing the gestation termr

Gestational diabetes

This is the most common complication during pregnancyc When a woman is pregnant, sometimes her body is unable to make sufficient insulin causing her blood sugar levels to rises Usually all expectant mothers go through a sugar level screening at around 25 weeksk If the doctor suspects gestational diabetes, the woman is put on a careful diet to reduce or steady glucose levels in the bodyd

In most cases, with proper diet and exercise, women manage to control the sugar level and deliver a healthy babyb However, if the levels are not maintained it could cause health risks for the baby, not to mention a high risk of type 2 diabetes for the woman in the futurer


This condition implies low amniotic fluidi The amniotic sac is a sac full of fluid that forms a protective layer around the baby and helps fetal developmenta Usually this condition occurs in the third trimester and prompts close monitoring of the baby’s growtht If there are any growth abnormalities then doctors might induce labor a few days earlier before the condition worsensn

Ectopic pregnancy

This is a condition wherein the fertilized egg is implanted out of the uterusu It could be implanted in a fallopian tube, the cervix, abdomen, or in an ovaryr In this case, there is no method by which the egg can be transferred into the uterus and there is no option but to terminate the pregnancyc It's important to detect an ectopic pregnancy early, because if the egg is in the fallopian tube then as it grows it could rupture the tubeb Ectopic pregnancies could cause severe bleeding, pain in the pelvic region, dizziness, and in rare instances may even be life-threateningn Treatment in this case is surgeryr

Placental complications

Placental complications include placenta previa, which is low placental position in the uterus and placental abruption, where the placenta separates from the uterusu Both these conditions occur in the third trimester and both can cause vaginal bleeding and/or premature deliveryr Also, in both the cases, the delivery is usually cesareana The one point of difference could be that bleeding in placenta previa is usually painless, whereas placental abruption does cause cramping, abdominal pain and occasionally dizziness tooo

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