5 Ways to Prevent A Miscarriage

Submitted by Pregnancy and Baby Care team on August 16, 2012
A miscarriage can cause unbearable feelings of pain, loss and bereavement. When a pregnancy is not carried to term and a woman loses her baby, there is not much one can say or do to reassure her that all will be well. However, it is important to know that if and when she does get pregnant again, there are ways to prevent a miscarriage. If, however, the miscarriage is due to an anatomical defect such as a misshapen uterus or due to genetic defects in the sperm or the egg, there is not much either partner can do to about it.


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On the other hand, there are other reasons for a miscarriage that can be treated or altered. A mother's diet for instance plays a large part in her reproductive health. Obesity and lack of exercise can throw hormones out of whack and cause fertility problems.

Diseases such as diabetes and thyroid disorders can be treated to prevent future pregnancy-related problems. Addressing these issues can go a long way towards a healthy trouble-free pregnancy in the future. Following are the top five ways to prevent a miscarriage:

  1. Prepping for your pregnancy: The time before conception takes place can be as important as the actual nine months of pregnancy. During the months that precede conception, it is important to cleanse the body of all toxins and create the perfect healthy environment for the baby. To do this, one should stop drinking and smoking, exercise regularly and eat a healthy and balanced diet
  2. Food is the word: What you eat is of extreme importance before and during your pregnancy. The right type of diet will help nourish the body and create a baby-friendly space. Eating a nutrient-rich diet will also affect your hormonal balance and improve your reproductive health. Eat foods that are high in calcium, vitamin C, zinc and magnesium to stay healthy during your pregnancy. Avoid processed foods, junk food, raw and uncooked meats and seafood, and un-pasteurized dairy products.
  3. Supplemental therapy: Many women do not get enough of the vitamins and minerals necessary to build a strong foundation for a healthy pregnancy. There are specific nutritional supplements available that are required before and during a pregnancy. Prenatal vitamins should contain vitamins B6, B12, and folic acid to help prevent miscarriages. Omega 3 supplements also help maintain a balance of hormones and improve fertility.
  4. Stub it out: Smoking affects the quality and quantity of sperm as well as affects the reproductive health in women. Studies show that quitting smoking can increase the sperm count significantly and improve the chances of conception. Once pregnant, it is important that both partners stay away from tobacco to prevent the risk of miscarriage, preterm labor and birth defects.
  5. One too many: When trying to get pregnant, it's best to stay away from alcohol completely. Alcohol can affect fertility and regular drinking can double the risk of miscarriage. While some experts insist that there is nothing wrong with a glass of wine or a drink once in a while, it is better to err on the side of caution and strike alcohol off your list for the duration of your pregnancy.

While these are all preventative measures against a recurring miscarriage, there are no guarantees that they will stop a miscarriage from occurring. That ultimately, is the best any mother can do.

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