Pregnancy And Baby Care Articles Fertility
Alternative Treatments for Infertility
Submitted by Jenifer on December 19, 2012
Infertility can cause a lot of emotional stress and trauma to individuals who desperately want a baby. Besides going in for medical help, most women or couples trying to conceive are also willing to try out other kinds of alternative treatments that would help solve their problem.
Depending on the cause of infertility there are many kinds of complementary treatments available. Alternative infertility treatments may include, acupuncture, herbal remedies, Ayurveda, yoga and other home remedies...
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Herbal Remedies
This is one of the most common forms of alternative treatment for infertility. Chinese herbs have been used since thousands of years to boost fertility. These herbs are said to be helpful in assisting normal functioning of ovulation in women and fertility in both sexes.
Normally herbs are helpful in treating most kinds of infertility disorders like, infertility caused due to advanced age in women, defects in the ovaries or in the luteal phase ( the approximately 14 day period between ovulation and menstruation), male defects like low sperm count or motility, erectile dysfunction and others.
The effect of herbs is mostly cumulative, and its results are normally seen after 2 to 4 months. In the case of women, herbal remedies depend basically on an effective menstrual cycle, and are said to work well with multiple cycles.
Some popular herbs believed to enhance female fertility include
- Black cohosh (Actaea/ Cimicifuga racemosa)
- Dong Quai root (Angelica sinensis)
- Red clover (Trifolium pretense)
- Chaste Berry (Vitex agnus-castus)
- Evening Primrose Oil (oil from seed of the evening primrose plant)
- False Unicorn (Chamaelirium luteum)
- Red Raspberry Leaf (Rubus idaeus)
Most herbs come in the form of supplements and can be purchased online or in health food and vitamin stores.
For men too, many clinically proven supplements are available in the stores. Most of these supplements normally help in increasing sperm count, motility, and morphology.
Tips and warnings
Herbs are usually safe, but they must be taken after consulting a healthcare provider. Herbal intake depends upon the cause of infertility, and some herbs taken without consulting a professional may actually do harm rather than good.
For instance, herbs improve ovarian functions, but women on certain types of birth control pills should avoid herbs. Women going in for IVF should stop taking herbal medicines at least a week or two before the procedure. Pregnant women must also consult a doctor before taking any herbs.
Also the chaste berry fruit, which is considered helpful in enhancing female fertility by easing menstrual problems, can have adverse effects if taken by men. Chaste berry actually derives its name from the belief that the tree/shrub promoted chastity. Reportedly monks in Central Asia and the Mediterranean region had chasteberry to control sexual urges.
According to studies, stress plays a vital role in affecting fertility by influencing sperm count in men and ovulation in women. Some yoga forms are considered to help fertility, primarily by relaxing the body, relieving stress and increasing blood circulation to the reproductive organs. Yoga is also reported to restore hormonal imbalance and increase sexual stamina.
Acupuncturists claim that acupuncture is helpful for people suffering from functional problems like irregular menstrual cycles and ovulation, rather than physical problems like blockages and abnormalities in the reproductive system. Like yoga, acupuncture also claims to relieve stress, stimulate blood circulation and stabilize hormonal imbalance.
Ayurveda is an ancient Hindu (Indian) form of alternative medicine, which uses plant-based medicines and treatments. After ascertaining the cause of infertility, an Ayurveda doctor will prescribe some medicines, along with recommendations of some home remedies and herbs.
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