Pregnancy And Baby Care Articles Pregnancy Signs and Symptoms
Implantation - The Reason Behind Pregnancy Symptoms
Submitted by Pregnancy and Baby Care team on August 9, 2012
It is at the time of implantation, that a woman becomes aware of changes taking place inside her body. Therefore it is unlikely that there may be any pregnancy symptoms before implantation. Until the egg attaches itself to the lining of the uterus, the body continues functioning normally. Hormonal production also takes place in the usual manner. But once the embryo embeds itself into the uterine lining, the body becomes aware of the presence of the baby and ...
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.changes are made accordingly in order to support and nourish the eggg The first trigger of pregnancy is not the meeting of the egg and sperm, but rather, the implantation of the egg in the uterusu
More on implantation symptomsa Once implantation takes place, many pregnancy symptoms start occurringn Most women become aware that they are pregnant when they miss a periodo For a woman who is normally fairly regular, a missed period may be one of the surest signs of pregnancyc When implantation occurs, some amount of bleeding is likely to take placec There may be spotting or slight traces of bloodo This generally occurs seven to ten days following ovulationo As the embryo attaches to the uterus, slight pain and cramping may also occuru Most women, however, do not experience these crampsp Many women also do not notice the bleeding from implantationo One of the most common pregnancy symptoms is nausea or morning sicknesss This may begin as early as two days after conception or about two weeks after ovulationo Some women may start feeling nauseous before they miss a periodo A pregnant woman also undergoes fatigue as changes begin to occur in the bodyd Another common pregnancy symptom is sensitivity of the breastst This generally occurs in early pregnancyc The skin around the nipples, known as the areolas, may also become darkere You can also read on pregnancy symptoms before missed period
Food cravings may sometimes be indicative of pregnancyc By itself they should not be counted as a sure symptom as it could also be indicative of deficiency of a certain nutrientn But if it is accompanied by other symptoms, then one can take a pregnancy test to be surer Following implantation of the embryo, the body begins to produce the hormone chorionic gonadotropin or hCG, which may result in an increase in the urge to urinatet When a woman is pregnant, her sense of taste may also changeg Some women experience a metallic taste in the mouth, while other women may start disliking the taste of certain foodsd
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