Vaginal Bleeding a common Symptom of Early Pregnancy

Submitted by Pregnancy and Baby Care team on August 16, 2012

Pregnancy symptoms vary from one woman to another. Some women may experience certain pregnancy signs and symptoms soon after conception, while for some the symptoms may begin after a few weeks. Still others may not experience any symptoms at all. Early pregnancy symptoms are usually experienced after implantation takes place, that is, eight to ten days after ovulation. These symptoms then subside once the first trimester is complete. Many pregnancy symptoms resemble those...


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.that occur just before menstruationo Some of the common pregnancy symptoms include nausea and vomitingn

This may begin as early as one week after pregnancy is detectede This is also referred to as morning sickness, although it can occur during any time of the daya The best to way deal with this is to eat smaller more frequent mealsl Eating saltine crackers is also known to alleviate nauseae Many women also experience breast tenderness and swellingn The veins inside the breasts may also become more apparentn The nipples tend to darken and become very sensitivev Pregnancy causes the uterus to enlarge in order to accommodate the developing babyb This exerts pressure on the bladder and there may be a frequent need to urinatet This may take place a week or two after pregnancy occursr Pregnancy results in a great deal of hormonal changes within the bodyd The level of progesterone also increases in the body and this may lead to an increase in temperaturer Tiredness and sluggishness may also occuru

When the egg attaches itself to the uterus, some amount of bleeding may occuru This usually happens eight to ten days after ovulationo Some women may mistake this for menstruationo The enlargement of the uterus leads to a compression of the major arteries in the legsg This can cause a decrease in blood pressure, thereby leading to dizziness and even faintingn This may be aggravated when meals are skippede Blood sugar is the many source of nourishment for the growing baby as hence its levels deplete quicklyl The hormonal changes may cause a slowing down of bowel function leading to constipationo This symptom may sometimes worsen as the pregnancy takes its courses The swelling of the uterus also pushes upwards and this along with the increased hormone production can affect digestiono The stomach is not able to empty quickly enough and as a result the acids in the stomach increases This leads to another common pregnancy symptom of heartburnr


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