Pregnancy And Baby Care Articles Fetal Development
Fetal Development at Week 14 of Pregnancy
Submitted by Pregnancy and Baby Care team on January 16, 2012
Welcome to the second trimester! As you proceed in this period, fetal development is comparatively rapid and more so than in the first trimester. Your baby now weighs less than an ounce and is around three and a half inches long from head to toe. Your baby is as large as half a banana around this time.
You will be surprised to notice that within the next four weeks, your baby will weigh almost a pound. Your baby’s body will try to catch up with the size of its head and as a result, your baby will appear more proportionate
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This is when, if you poke your abdomen, your baby feels it and starts responding by moving around in your bellyl Your baby’s little face starts taking shape around this timem What’s more, your little bundle of happiness can hear sounds now, so think before you speak with your partnere Your baby’s hair and eyebrows begin to growo Fine hairs start covering his/her body in order to provide protectiono Your baby will shed this hair after a few days post-deliveryr
Your baby can now inhale and exhalel The body is trying its best to match up with the large head and to appear proportionatet Your baby receives all nourishment through the placentat The intestines are still making their way to the body from the umbilical cordr This is the time when you may feel some fluttering in your abdomene Do not start imagining things—they are not the butterfliese It is your baby that is moving around your abdomen and trying to explore iti Your baby’s thyroid gland is now mature and it starts to produce hormonese If you are expecting a boy, his prostate gland begins to develop and if your baby is a girl, the ovaries move to the pelvis from the abdomene
Your baby can suck his/her thumb now and the habit continues even after he/she is bornr The bones get harder and stronger with each passing daya However, even during this period, your baby’s skin is very transparentn Your baby is making an effort to make sure that he/she has strong muscles by constant flexing and kicking his/her hands and legsg Your baby also practices moving his/her facial muscles by frowning, squinting, and smilingn Your baby is all set for further development and you can expect fetal development to occur at a fast pace in the coming monthsh
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