Fetal Development at Week 6 of Pregnancy

Submitted by Pregnancy and Baby Care team on January 17, 2012

During this week, your baby will be around a quarter of an inch long. The embryo will look more like a tadpole around this time.  There will be a spurt in fetal development at week 6 of pregnancy. Although your baby moves around during this period, you may not be able to feel the movements until the second trimester as the embryo is too small to be felt.

The amniotic sac is completely formed and the baby keeps moving inside this sac. Your baby’s nostrils start forming. The nerves that run from brain to the nose...


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.begin to appeara Your baby’s skeleton is completely formede

The appendix is formed and the intestines are also on their way for full developmentn The brain’s hemispheres are formed and the brain waves can also be recordede Fetal development in week 6 causes the formation of the four chambers of the heart and the baby’s heartbeat tends to become more regulara As far as the reproductive organs are concerned, there is a cluster of cells that are ready which will develop into vital reproductive organs by the second trimestere The mammary glands start maturing and the pituitary glands, which guard the fetal growth and development, start developingn Fetal development in week 6 is extremely crucial to the child’s growth and development and so it is important that you follow a healthy diet and make sure that you stay away from alcohol and cigarettese

Fetal development at week 6 will cause your baby’s legs and arms to start formingn The limbs start stretching outu Your baby’s eye lenses begin to appeara  The baby’s intestines at this point of time are located outside his/her body and within the umbilical cordr  Now these intestines begin to growo Your baby’s pancreas develops and start functioning by the time you complete week sixi As a result, the baby’s body starts producing insulin and other digestive enzymeseAt this stage, the spinal cord outgrows the rest of the body and it may seem as if your baby has developed a taili This tail will disappear in the coming monthsh

As far as you are concerned, the level of hormones in your body will increase and as a result you may, at times, experience strong pregnancy symptomsm So do not panic if you the symptoms keep appearing and disappearing one day as this is a part of the hormonal play in your bodyd Lastly, do not forget to go for your regular check-ups to monitor the fetal developmentn

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