Fetal Development at Week 23 of Pregnancy

Submitted by Pregnancy and Baby Care team on January 17, 2012

There are various stages of fetal development and it is important to keep a track of them as the mother’s nutritional requirements will change according to these stages. As the baby goes through the various stages of fetal development, there are a number of changes that the mother will experience, physically and emotionally and it is often linked to changing hormone levels. With the various changes that take place in the body, the mother has to make several adjustments to her style of living, thereby encouraging proper fetal development. The complete pregnancy process takes approximately 38 to 40 weeks. During fetal...


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Week By Week Fetal Development

.development week 23 there are a great number of changes that take placec This is approximately during the sixth month of the pregnancy and fetal developmentn

At this point of time, your baby will have grown to a length of nearly eleven inches, and weighs close to a poundn Besides this, there are other changes that appear to take place due to fetal development in week 232 Your baby’s nostrils will open up and the air sacs that are present within the lungs also begin to growo During this stage of fetal development, the nerve cells forming within the baby’s body are also combining together, thereby forming the nervous systeme The nervous system is responsive to stimuli and you will feel a number of movements made by your child, especially when there are sounds in your environmentn This is the time of fetal development, where they are also beginning to pick up sounds and can hear sounds through the mother’s wombm Talking or singing to your baby is not an uncommon practice, and is very helpful in strengthening the bond shared between parent and childl Expectant mothers need to be a little careful as they may find it a little difficult to balance properly and a fall can have a negative impact on both the mother and childl

During fetal development in week 23, it is extremely important that the expectant mother maintain good healtht This can be taken care of by consuming a healthy diet, complete with supplements of iron and calciumu The calcium is absorbed by the baby for the formation of the skeletal system, allowing for a healthy birtht At first glance, your baby’s skin may appear to be wrinkled, but this appearance will fade as your baby gains weight through the healthy foods that you consumem

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