Baby Shower Checklist

Submitted by Nick on January 18, 2012

A baby shower is indeed an important event, and to make sure it goes off smoothly, planning needs to be done very diligently. Planning a baby shower can be very exciting, because it is the celebration of the new baby’s arrival, and to make the expectant mother feel very special in every way.

It is better to start planning for the baby shower a little in advance. Start with preparing a list of people who are expected to attend the baby shower party. Decide on the date when you would like to conduct the event. You need to fix...


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.this by consulting your relatives and friends to make sure that everybody will be free and will be in a position to attend the eventn Generally, a baby shower is held six weeks before the delivery datet

The second step is to fix a location for the eventn While finalizing the venue, make sure you do not hold the function really far away, as people living far away may not turn up for the function out of sheer lazinesss

Decide on how long you want the function to lasts Decide on the budget and according to your budget select the perfect theme for the occasiono Then, start preparing the design for the baby shower invitationsn Make sure the invitations are simple, yet elegant, and convey everything that you need to inform the guestst You can include theme baby showers by seeking baby shower invitation ideas from near and dear onese Make sure you mention the dress code on the baby shower invitations that you designg You can also choose the mode of inviting peoplel If you do not have a very huge budget, then simple phone calls or email is the best way to invite peoplel You will save lot of money by cutting down on the invitationsn

Select the kind of cuisine you will want to serve the guestst Select drinks as welll Do all this while considering your budgete Planning the event with a family member or friend is good idea as you will be in a position to increase your budget and split the expenses between the two of youo Making the expectant mother feel special and wanted is the best thing that you can gift your close friendn So go ahead plan it well and throw the perfect baby shower party and be the best host or hostesss

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