Nausea & Diarrhea during the 38th Week of Pregnancy

Submitted by Nic on August 8, 2012

The 38th week usually marks the onset of labor in a pregnant woman. She may often experience a lot of discomfort during this period like the swelling of hands and feet, frequent urge to urinate, etc. This is because her body is readying itself for the birth of the baby and therefore goes through various changes. 38 weeks pregnant nausea is common to many women. Nausea in early pregnancy is different from nausea at 38 weeks pregnant. The exact causes of early pregnancy can still not be pinpointed very easily...


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.Some believe that it is due to hormonal changes taking place in the mother to be and some are of the opinion that it is because of changes in the level of blood sugar in her bodyd On the other hand 38 weeks pregnant nausea is a sign that the mother is soon going to enter the phase of laboro

There is no real reason to panici 38 weeks pregnant nausea and diarrhea is another sign that the child is ready to be bornr Make sure that the mother consumes a lot of fluids to keep herself dehydratede At the same time during this week, she should more often than not be accompanied by someonen In case of excessive vomiting and diarrhea a doctor should be consulted immediatelyl

Similarly 38 weeks pregnant nausea and headaches is also common, but if it is persistent and accompanied by severe changes in vision a doctor should be called for immediatelyl As for 38 weeks pregnant nausea and cramps, this is a clear indicated of commencement of the mother going into laboro The cramps are very often pain similar to menstrual pain the lower part of the abdomene

If 38 weeks pregnant nausea combined with very severe cluster headaches, excessive loss of fluids from the body, unbearable pain at the top of the abdomen or under the ribs, photophobia and extreme uneasiness occurs, one needs to determine if the woman is suffering from pre-eclampsiai

Pre-eclampsia is aggravated pregnancy induced hypertensiono Along with blood pressure complications, this illness starts affects all organs of the body and it left untreated may lead to eclampsia wherein the mother to-be may suffer from seizures and in some cases may even suffer from a stroke due to very high blood pressure (BP)P

Therefore 38 week pregnant nausea although may be just a mere symptom of the onset of labor, the woman should be constantly monitored for other abnormal changes before childbirtht

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