Pregnancy And Baby Care Articles During Pregnancy
Breast Itching During Early Pregnancy
Submitted by Nic on January 18, 2012
During a pregnancy, there are a number of changes that an expectant woman experiences, the most common of them being change in shape and dimension of her body. Along with these changes come the hormonal changes and the frequent mood swings that they bring with them. Breast itching during early pregnancy is another common problem faced by a number of expectant mothers. As the body changes shape and size, to accommodate the growing fetus, the skin stretches and begins to itch.
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Pregnancy And Baby Care Questions
Dryness of the skin is expected and this is the primary cause for the itchy feeling that pregnant women experience early in their term of pregnancy.
Itchy breasts early sign pregnancy questions have been frequently asked, but there are no decisive studies conducted to prove that they are linked. The fact that the skin stretches to accommodate the changing shape of the mother’s body and drying skin lead to breast itchiness, is another debatable matter altogether.
Itchy skin during first trimester is caused by the hormonal imbalance experienced by the mother’s body during this time. The imbalance causes a lower production of body oils, at times, causing the skin to dry and become itchy. The best way to deal with itchy breasts during pregnancy is to apply lotions that will help to moisturize your skin and allow it a certain amount of elasticity. Eating fruits and vegetables that provide you with proteins and adequate nourishment is also advised in order to avoid breast itchiness during the first trimester. Drinking a lot of water during the day ensures that your body and skin remain hydrated and reduces the tendency to itch. Avoid extremely hot water baths because they tend to remove the oil from the skin and cause it to go dry.
An itchy rash during pregnancy could be more dangerous than you expect it to be and it needs to be seen to, by a medical professional, at the earliest. There are various rashes that you could contract, but they must be diagnosed on the basis of whether they could cause harm to your baby or not. Rashes caused by dangerous diseases, such as herpes need to be monitored very carefully, while other rashes need not cause you too much worry, if they cannot harm the growth and development of your unborn baby. Still, if you feel that something is wrong, do not hesitate to call your doctor immediately.
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