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The Debates over the Perfect Baby
Ashley | February 12, 2010

Whenever a baby is brought into a home, it almost automatically becomes the apple of everybody’s eye and is doted on by family and guests alike. Every parent is a proud one and having the perfect baby is something that any mother or father would love to boast about. While many people will tell that you that it is the individual imperfections that make each baby unique, many parents would be loathe agreeing to their children having any imperfections. The fact is, that no matter what characteristic or aesthetic features your child has, it is always essential to appreciate them and love them without trying to change anything to make them fit into the parents’ idea of being a perfect baby. In some cases, over attentive parents could, in an effort to mould the child into being their version of the ‘perfect baby’ stifle the child’s environment, thereby significantly hampering its natural state of growth.
A perfect child, in most people books, will have a significant number of restrictions placed on his or her social habits and mannerisms, thereby stunting a substantial part of the entire childhood phase. While obviously no adult approves much of the tantrums that a child throws in order to get some attention, this is a very important part of childhood that conveys a desire to be loved and cared for on a consistent basis. It is when the child is able to perform certain basic tasks that would allow it to become a little more independent that the parents should rein in the affection to prevent the child from being too spoilt.
When a child enters adulthood, it is essential that the individual has the required amount of knowledge to make an informed decision on even the smallest of concerns as they are likely to have a tremendous influence in how his or her life pans out. While it is important to inculcate a certain amount of self confidence, it is important to remember that your child’s ego should not be so bloated so as to give him or her a air that may play a significant role in the company they keep as well as how they are regarded in society. One of the most important aspects for a parent to consider is the fact that you must be willing to accept a few failures in making sure that your child develops the right mental characteristics in order for him or her to live a full and independent life. Even if it means that you child drop a few grades in order to learn correctly, it could have very beneficial returns in the long run.
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