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How Much Should a 3 Month Old Baby Eat
Kieth | September 4, 2012

Babies usually grow very quickly in their first year, and they have rapidly changing nutritional needs. They need a lot of energy because of their fast-paced growth, and the first few months can be overwhelming to new parents. Since the child's growth may not always be even and steady, at three months the baby's hunger can be unpredictable. A pertinent question in the first quarter of the infant's life could be 'How much should a 3 month old eat?'
At this age, babies are usually only consuming their mother's milk. Breast milk, though extremely healthy for the baby, may be devoid of some basic nutrients that your child needs at this stage. Therefore, mothers should consider introducing a variety into their child's meals. Fortunately, these nutritional needs are not so pronounced at the age of three months, but you may still want to know whether your baby is getting adequate nutrition and if its needs are being met.
In the first month of their life, babies require to be breastfed about 10 to 12 times a day. Surprisingly, as they grow, the number of feeds per day reduces to about 8 to 10 a day. Spread the feedings over a period of 24 hours so that the child is fed at all times and does not go hungry.
If you are wondering what food for a 3-month-old baby is good enough, consider adding about 24–32 oz. of iron fortified infant formula to the baby's diet in addition to the breast milk. A 3-month-old baby does not require anything more than this. Most pediatricians ask parents to avoid giving solid foods to their babies until they are 6 months old.
Should You Start Solid Foods at 3 Months?
While 3-month-old babies require regular feeding throughout the day and may not need more than 10 feedings in a day, some babies are hungrier than others. Such babies should be fed more often and given larger quantities of formula till they are not hungry any more.
Some parents feel that their baby is hungry all the time and may want to start them on solid foods early. It is best to consult a doctor in such a case because feeding solid food to a three month old baby can be really harmful. While the parents may feel that solids can help the baby grow or sleep better, it usually does not do so. Feeding your child solids too early can cause poor growth and may also cause diarrhea. Three-month-old babies are usually not able to digest solid foods and may experience indigestion as well as other stomach problems.
Parents should be able to read the signs and signals their baby gives. If the baby closes her mouth very tightly, it may mean that she does not want any more food. The baby may also keep turning her head away from the food, indicating that she does not want any more food. The baby may also try to push the breast or the formula away and may also cry when offered food.
If you are trying to feed the baby but she keeps avoiding the food, give it a rest and attempt to feed her again after some time. Learning your baby's behaviors can help you ensure that your baby gets a full meal and does not remain hungry.
Keeping the baby's appetite full is important for maintaining good health. The baby is also more likely to be happier and more relaxed if the baby has had to her fill during the meal times. Do not give the child fruit juice, tea, coffee or other similar beverages as they are not suitable for the baby.
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