Category Archives: Pregnancy Conditions
  • Smoking And Pregnancy

    Smoking and Pregnancy: Effects of Smoking on Pregnancy

    By Ashley | March 12, 2010
    No more is it a question whether the unborn child will be affected or harmed by the mother smoking or any other forms of nicotine intake but more a question of the number, degree, types, lifetime impact and notice ability of the harms that are ...
  • Viral Infection In Pregnancy

    Viral Infections Tied to Pregnancy Complications

    By Ashley | March 12, 2010
    For a long time now doctors and researchers have been mystified by the reason why high blood pressure has been occurring in pregnant women. A report put together by a research group in Adelaide has been the first of a kind in reporting that when ...
  • Working During Pregnancy

    Working During Pregnancy: Women Can Work in Pregnancy

    By Ashley | March 12, 2010
    Pregnancy is a splendid phase in a woman’s life which comes with numerous challenges and responsibilities. With the onset of pregnancy, there are a number of doubts that cross an expectant mother’s mind. At this time, the most crucial question ...
  • Complications In Pregnancy

    Gene May Be Key to Pregnancy Complication: Complications During Pregnancy

    By Ashley | March 12, 2010
    A pregnancy is a time for any expectant mother to be careful of her health, not only for herself but also for the sake of the child that is developing within her womb. With the advancement in technology and further study on various topics being ...
  • Stress And Pregnancy

    Stress in Pregnancy: Early Pregnancy Stress & Test for Stress

    By Ashley | March 12, 2010
    Many women face an increase in stress and anxiety levels during pregnancy. It is not unexpected for a woman to be worried about the well being of the baby developing within her womb. Many women are also plagued with other concerns like their ...
  • Obesity During Pregnancy

    Obesity Complications in Pregnant Women

    By Ashley | March 12, 2010
    Weight gain is often one of the most worrying factors for any woman who is going through the experience of expecting a child. Over the course of the trimesters, there are innumerable changes that take place within the mother’s body – both, ...
  • Caffeine And Low Birth Weight

    Caffeine In Pregnancy & Fetal Weight Reduction

    By Ashley | February 24, 2010
    Pregnancy comes with a number of complications as well as lifestyle adjustment that are seriously required. While a lot of people are aware of the fact that an expecting mother will require tremendous physical and mental strength throughout the ...
  • Canola Oil Benefits Pregnancy

    Canola Oil & Lowering Of Breast Cancer Risk In Offspring

    By Ashley | February 24, 2010
    Going through a pregnancy is usually a very daunting experience for any expecting mother. The amount of mental and physical strength required during this phase is paramount in order to ensure a normal delivery as well as normal offspring. Moreover, ...
  • Bariatric Surgery Pre Pregnancy

    Benefits of Bariatric Surgery To Pregnancy

    By Ashley | February 24, 2010
    Although bariatric surgery has been around for a few years now, it has only become more prominent recently because of the aesthetic benefits that the operation provides. However, it should not be forgotten that the surgery was originally developed ...
  • Folate Risks In Pregnancy

    Folate in Early Pregnancy May Boost Wheezing in Baby

    By Ashley | February 24, 2010
    While everybody is aware of the fact that a pregnancy requires an expecting mother to have a lot of physical and emotional strength over the entire duration, a lot of people tend to ignore the fact that showing restraint is another very important ...
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