Home Blogs Canola Oil & Lowering Of Breast Cancer Risk In Offspring
Canola Oil & Lowering Of Breast Cancer Risk In Offspring
Ashley | February 24, 2010

Going through a pregnancy is usually a very daunting experience for any expecting mother. The amount of mental and physical strength required during this phase is paramount in order to ensure a normal delivery as well as normal offspring. Moreover, the fact that almost anything the mother does or substances and nutrients that make up her daily life will also directly affect the outcome of the pregnancy can place a lot of stress on the mother, which needs to be handles with a calm and cool approach. Canola oil is an oil extract from the canola seed and is highly regarded for its nutritional attributes as it contains the lowest levels of saturated fatty acids of any vegetable oil. The high monounsaturated fatty acid content also serves to reduce blood cholesterol levels and the fact that it is cholesterol free increases its stock when it comes to most commercially available oils.
While there is no fool proof way of avoiding a condition like breast cancer, there are a number of steps that we can take to prevent it as well as prevent our offspring from developing it. A person’s diet plays a huge role in determining how healthy he or she is as well as what conditions the individual is more prone to. What goes unnoticed, unfortunately, is the fact that what the mother eats during a pregnancy will also play a significant role in protecting the child from a number of conditions when they grow into adults. Just like avoiding cigarette smoke while pregnant reduces the risk of the child developing thickened arteries and thereby being more susceptible to heart disease, consuming canola oil is known to reduce the chances of your child being affected by breast cancer. Recent research shows this specific type of oil as being beneficial because of the higher amount of omega 3 fatty acids and the lower amount of omega 6 acids than when compared to other, widely used cooking oils.
Most of the research surrounding the benefits of canola oil and breast cancer has been performed on a group of lab rats and the studies show that pregnant, lactating mice that were fed a diet containing corn oil gave birth to female mice that have a significantly higher risk of developing breast cancer than the female mice birthed by the mice that were subjected to a diet created using canola oil. The inclusion of canola oil in the diet also appears to reduce the risk of prostate cancer.
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