Pregnancy And Baby Care
Male Infertility Causes
Male Infertility Causes
The term 'male infertility' refers to the inability of a man to contribute towards the conception of a child. There are a number of male infertility causes with the main reason being directly related to sperm quality and sperm count. Structural anomalies, hormonal imbalances, infections, trauma caused by injury, exposure to heavy metals and radiation, and clothes that generate heat in the area of the scrotal sac are other factors that lead to infertility.
Determining the cause of infertility is crucial as it helps in deciding upon the course of action to be taken for the treatment of the same. Most conditions can be treated through prescribed medication and diet while others may need invasive medical intervention.
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Hormonal Problems Causing Infertility in Men
Hormonal problems are a major cause of concern that leads to infertility amongst men. When the body faces an imbalance in the structure of hormone build up, especially of FSH and testosterone, there are chances that men may experience infertility. This, however, can be resolved through correction of the hormonal balance of the body through the consumption of hormone supplements and correct diet. Hormonal imbalances are part and parcel of the development of the body and do not warrant much concern.
Hyperprolactinemia is a condition in which the prolactin content of the body is in excessive measure and leads to complications with infertility. A change in the balance of hormones through proper diet and a healthy lifestyle can help overcome this condition.
Hypothyroidism is a similar condition in which the thyroid gland produces excessive amounts of secretions and hormones. Couples who are hoping to conceive a child need to ensure that their thyroid glands are functioning normally before trying to do so.
Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia
Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia is caused when the body produces excessive amounts of adrenal androgens. As a result of this condition, the testes fail to mature effectively and remain rather small in size leading to infertility.
Hypogonadotropic Hypopituitarism
Hypogonadotropic Hypopituitarism is a condition caused when the pituitary gland at the base of the brain cannot produce enough hormones for the body and low hormone production is bound to affect fertility levels.
Panhypopituitarism is another disorder of the pituitary gland that affects fertility in males. In this condition, the pituitary gland cannot produce most of the required hormones for fertility, mainly FSH and LH. This condition also leads to a fall in libido and sexual function.
Physical Problems & Infertility in Males
Physical problems are faced by a number of men, leading to complications affecting their ability to father a child. Conditions that affect the quantity and quality of sperm are the main physical problems that lead to infertility. Many men who are infertile face problems such as poor blood flow to the reproductive organs and malformation of the scrotal sac, the sperm ducts or the testes. Conditions such as autoimmune disorders, a weakened immune system, undescended testes, cysts and tumors also affect fertility.
Varicocele refers to an abnormal enlargement of the vein present in the scrotal sac that drains the testicles of seminal fluids that are produced by the body. A shortage of seminal fluid in the scrotum will lead to male infertility.
Seminal Fluid Abnormalities
Seminal Fluid Abnormalities with regard to consistency, volume and quality are not uncommon and can be corrected with the correct medication. It is always advisable that you visit a doctor who specialises in fertility disorders to have this condition rectified.
Ductal System Problems
Ductal system problems are mainly characterised by blockages of the ducts that carry sperm, due to various reasons. As a result of this, there is no possibility for the sperm to make contact with and fertilize eggs that are ready for fertilization.
Immunological Infertility
Immunological Infertility is caused when the body reacts to the sperm that it is producing. There has been no extensive study to affirm the exact cause of the condition, but it can be treated over a period of time.
Testicular Factors
Testicular Factors also play an important role in fertility. The testicles produce sperm at a much lower temperature than the rest of the body. If the testicles are not given the right amount of ventilation, quality of sperm produced will be of a lower grade. Diseases affecting the testicles such as testicular cancer can also hamper fertility in men.
Behavioral Problems
Behavioral Problems are mainly linked with lifestyle. Fertility levels of men and women who lead unhealthy lifestyles are definitely affected due to factors such as poor nutritional intake, stress, overexertion and lack of physical exercise. A deficiency of zinc, selenium, vitamin C and folate affect sperm production and quality in men thereby leading to infertility issues. Wearing tight underwear also affects the production of sperm. People, who subject their bodies to toxic build up through the use of cigarettes, alcohol and drug abuse, expose themselves to the dangers of the malfunction of various organs including the reproductive organs. These causes of infertility can be treated by bringing about a change in lifestyle.
Smoking and Male Fertility
Smoking and male fertility are closely linked with each other, because the nicotine content of cigarettes tends to lower sperm quality and motility to a large extent.
Drug Abuse
Drug Abuse is another rising cause for concern, as far as fertility is concerned. Drug users must realize that they affect their potency through the consumption of drugs and other stimulants that adversely affect the functioning of the body.