What are the Causes & Symptoms of Toddler Seizures

One needs to understand that causes of seizures in toddlers are varied since they are of different types. You could have different kinds, like absence seizures which can be tricky to detect since these could be passed off as simply daydreaming.

To offer a simplified explanation, seizures are the result of a massive electrical wave sent out by masses of neurons such that the brain is overloaded.

However, scientists find that causes of most seizures are yet to be determined.


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As high asapproximately in seven out of 10 cases, the precise cause of a seizure is unknown.

It could be that the cause is an issue in the way in which our brains are wired. There could be other causes such as a large amount of neurotransmitters, which are brain chemicals.

If you find that your toddler is having a seizure, it is most likely to be a febrile seizure which is common at that age. This refers to a fever induced seizure. This is usually not harmful but it does necessitate emergency care if the seizure goes on for more than a couple of minutes. There could be other catalysts which lead to the onset of a seizure such as physical head injury or some illnesses.

Symptoms for Toddler Seizures

Look for typical signs of a seizure like the classic muscle spasms and drooling. Loss of consciousness is also known to occur when one is having a seizure.

While such symptoms in your little one might be terrifying to watch, it is up to you to remain calm and make him or her as comfortable as possible. In case your toddler appears to have signs of a seizure, the first thing is to roll the child in such a way that he or she rests on his sides. Do not forget to turn the head too, such that it is to the side. By doing so, you reduce the chances of choking on saliva as well as vomit, if the child brings up. Clean the mouth and face so that he or she can breathe more easily.

Do not hesitate to call emergency services if the toddler is fighting for air or has already turned blue. It may seem insensible to film the episode but this can help your toddler’s health care practitioner to get a better understanding of the type of seizure and possible causes. It also helps to time the episode and relate this information to the doctor.

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