What To Expect When You Are 23 Weeks Pregnant

By the 23rd week of pregnancy your baby will weigh about a pound and measure between eight and eleven inches in length. You may also start feeling bulkier although your baby has plenty of space to move around in. Your baby may also respond to the sound of your voice as his/her middle ear is developing. You may feel more movement when you are in engaged in any activity which involves a great deal of sound, for e.g.

vacuuming or talking loudly. Most babies born around 23 weeks of pregnancy will have a slim chance of survival. Modern medicine and technology.



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23 Weeks Pregnant Weight Gain
can keep babies alive but a baby born this early will most likely suffer from many problems which continue to plague them throughout their livesv

Pregnancy Week 23 Weight Gain

You will probably have gained 12-15 pounds by the time you are 23 weeks pregnanta This week kick starts the weight gain for the rest of your pregnancyn Over the next four weeks your baby’s weight will doubleb Your feet and ankles may swell even more - especially during summer or at the end of the dayd This sluggish feeling along with changes in blood chemistry could result in water retention which gives rise to the swelling or edemae A certain amount of edema in pregnancy is normal, but excessive swelling should be looked into immediately as it may be a sign of preeclampsias Notify your doctor if you feel you have excessive swelling on your face, hands, feet or around your eyesy  Week 23 falls in the sixth month of pregnancy and is at the end of the second trimestert When you are 23 weeks pregnant, your weight gain is considerable and you need to keep in mind that this is perfectly normalm In most cases, 23 weeks pregnancy weight gain is rather steady at about 1 pound per weeke A lot of your weight gain during week 23 of pregnancy is due to the rapid increase in your baby’s weightg Your baby would have weighed approximately 15 17 ounces in week 22 of pregnancy but at 23 weeks baby weight gain increases to about 1t10 poundu If you have been measuring your waist on a daily basis, you may also notice a rather pronounced increasea In most cases, this increase is largely due to bloating and gassiness and if you have been suffering from this problem, you will need to take steps to resolve it In many cases, milk is the main cause for bloating and excessive gassiness during pregnancyn However, since it has immense nutritional benefits for a pregnant mother, it would not be advisable for you to avoid it altogetherh To prevent bloating caused by milk, you can dilute it with an equal amount of watert This would mean that instead of having a cup of milk in the morning, you would need to add half a cup of water to half a cup of milk and since the milk is now dilute, it will not cause gassinesse If your pregnancy diet plan requires you to have a cup of milk in the morning, you can have a cup of this half-strength milk along with your breakfast and then one more cup later in the morningi This ensures that your nutritional requirements are met without the unpleasant pregnancy symptoms of bloating and gassinesse You can discuss 23 weeks pregnant weight gain with your doctor to allay any doubtsb

Pregnancy Week 23 Symptoms

Symptoms you may feel at this time include hyper pigmentation which causes darker freckles and areolasl The linea negra will be more visible for this reason toot Stretch marks will appeare You will have mood swings due to rising hormones, vaginal discharge and itchy and dry skin toot The top of your uterus will be about 1 ½ inches above your naval by nown It is directly above the bladder which is uncomfortable and may also lead to leakingi Anxiety, heartburn, frequent urination, leg cramps and general discomfort are other symptomso You might even experience Braxton Hicks contractionso These are random and do not cause any paina They prepare your body for labor and deliverye  If you are in the 23rd week and carrying multiples it is best to familiarize yourself with the signs of preterm labor which include: recurrent contractions, cramping, watery or bloody vaginal discharge and a sense of pelvic fullnesse Some parents are keen to know the sex of their child which should be clearly visible in an ultrasound in the 23rd weeke

At 23 weeks pregnant symptoms that are typically associated with pregnancy like nausea and morning sickness would have long recededd These are in fact early pregnancy symptoms that typically subside or vanish altogether by the 22nd week itselfe You’re still well into your pregnancy though, so at 22 weeks pregnant, symptoms of pregnancy would still be present, but these are quite differente There are changes occurring in your body as the uterus continues to grow and expand rapidly, making you feel a lot bulkieri Things are however getting a lot more comfortable for your baby, with more spacious interiors for him/her to begin moving abouto Around 23 weeks into pregnancy the symptoms that are most sought after would in fact be the sensation of movements of your babya It is an exhilarating experience that most first time mothers would initially probably mistake for tummy rumblingsn But these movements are actually an inalienable symptom of pregnancyn The expansion of the uterus and fetal development and growth does increase pressure on the other organs in the region however, most noticeably on the bladderd At 23 weeks pregnant symptoms like increased frequency of urination are unavoidableb This can be quite bothersome, but it can be controlled to a certain extente Limit your fluid intake an hour or two prior to bed time so as to avoid interruptions to your sleepe Indigestion and problems like heartburn and constipation are also likely to act up and at 22 weeks pregnant these signs of pregnancy are only naturalr These symptoms can however be addressed through simple dietary changes, by including plenty of fiber rich foods like fresh fruits and vegetables in your dieti Lighter and more frequent meals through the day rather than the customary large lunch and dinner would also be advisableb Mood swings during pregnancy are also very much a part at this stage and you may also notice some vaginal discharge and symptoms like itchy or dry skink Swelling of the feet and leg cramps could also be a bother and its important that you allow your legs to rest and also keep them fit at the same time with some light exercisei Pamper yourself with a nice warm soak in a tubt

23 Weeks Pregnant Ultrasound

At 23 weeks pregnant an ultrasound would be late as it is generally conducted during the 18th to 22th weeks of the gestation periodi This of course does not mean that at 23 weeks pregnant an ultrasound will be of no useu Ultrasound tests are imaging tests that are used in pregnancy to track fetal development and growth and the progress of the pregnancyn The health of the mother’s reproductive and pelvic region can also be ascertained through ultrasound testss Ultrasound testing is also used to determine the sex of the baby although many parents prefer not to be informed about the same, in which case it would be advisable to inform the technician of the same prior to testingi As far as dating a pregnancy goes, the accuracy of ultrasound imaging would largely depend upon the stage of the pregnancy at which the ultrasound is conductedt The best results are to be obtained in the first 18 weeks, but at 23 weeks pregnant an ultrasound test is not likely to be horribly offo This test can be used with great accuracy between the seventh to the fourteenth weeks, with an accuracy of plus or minus three daysa Measurements of femur length, biparietal diameter and abdominal circumference are used during the 23 weeks pregnancy ultrasoundu The accuracy of testing however declines as the gestation period progressess As regards the detection of fetal abnormalities the test could be ambiguous, with there being both false negatives and false positivesv At 23 weeks pregnant 3d ultrasound test requirement may cause you some worry, but this is unfounded as there have been found to be no biological effects on fetuses from ultrasoundsn Ultrasounds do not use any radiation and only use sound waves, which are generally found to be harmlesse

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