How to best handle 16 months old baby who has toddlers fracture and is in the long cast. it is her leg?

(March 12, 2010)

A leg fracture is defined as a break that occurs in any of the toddler’s bones in the leg. The commonest cause of a leg fractures in toddlers is trauma. Trauma can include any injury that is caused by either a fall, or a car accident, or maybe a sports injury, and even physical abuse of some kind. Leg fractures are commonly seen among the smaller children especially among those who are learning to walk and hence are known as toddler's fracture. This is can be a twisting injury that results in a fracture of this tibia and is the result of the toddler's unsteady walk. There are known to be three long bones which help to make up the leg. The femur which is the thigh bone in the body is known to be the longest bone on the human body and in the toddler’s body. The tibia which is the shin bone, and the fibula which can be located behind this tibia, help to make up the toddler’s lower leg. The leg bones thus help to support the child's weight while walking, dancing etc.

The leg bones can break in various different locations which depend on the cause. Fractures can be simple fractures wherein there is a single crack or one break. This may or may not result in the leg moving out of the normal position. The leg bones can also shatter into many pieces. Fractures can also affect the ligaments, tendons, and the blood vessels that are around this affected bone. When the fracture is of this nature then the immediate treatment and even surgery is needed urgently. With treatment, like a cast, or surgery, and even medicine, the complications can be prevented and the child may be able to resume his or her normal activities. Taking care of a toddler involves ensuring that the child does not put any untoward weight or strain on the injured limb. Hence it is advisable to try and keep the child as restful as possible. Even though it may be hard try to keep the toddler in a situation that is safe from any further physical strain being caused. Advice older siblings and children either at home or in the play school to be extra cautious around the child. Take the toddler for regular check-ups and x-rays to check on how the fracture is healing. Make sure the child has all his medicines on time and in the correct dosage. If crutches are needed, then teach the child how to use them and help him.

Submitted by P T on March 12, 2010 at 01:56

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