Parenting Toddlers

Getting your toddler to sleep

Developing Toddler

Food for my toddler

Handling a toddler can be a tricky task — although they have developed adequately enough to have their own ideas and needs, their physical structure and feelings are still in a fledgling stage and have yet to keep stride.
It is a roller-coaster ride as parents navigate through the toddler years — from handling temper tantrums to potty training and getting the toddler their first bed — parents have to be equipped with the necessary information on toddler development, toddler activities, toddler stages, toddler demeanor, junctures, activities, nourishment, sleep, and more.
Toddlers develop at a rapid rate - they gain early physiological, perceptive, and emotional abilities every day. In the coming two years, parents observe as their child goes from being an unsettled toddler who utters only a few syllables to a surefooted kindergartener with a growing consciousness of the world around him or her. Most parents tend to panic when they start to compare other toddlers with their own in terms of walking and speech development. However, it is important to note that each child is distinctive and will reach various developmental landmarks in their life at his or her own stride.
Toddler stages range from 13 months to 36 months. Between this time gap, toddler development and toddler activities are at its highest, namely talking and walking. Most toddlers start to take tentative steps between 12 and 15 months, but the conventional range of accomplishing this milestone is very comprehensive. Some toddlers start to walk as early as 9 months, others as late as 16 months. It is not a worrisome thought if your child is one of the later ones — what is significant is the advancement of your toddler's skills. If your toddler was a little late trying to make a rolling motion or reverse and crawl, possibilities are that your toddler may require a few additional weeks or months for learning to walk as well. As long as your toddler is eager to learn and grasps new things, you need not be worried.
Talking is inextricably associated to hearing how people around you speak. By hearing others, your toddler will hear the different types of sounds people make when talking and how words sound, and will eventually learn to construct words together to make a sentence. As a baby, your toddler would have learnt first to make sounds, then to form those sounds into actual words (most children learn "mama" and "dada" as their first words emerge anywhere between 4 or 5 months). By the time your toddler is a year old, he or she will, in a diligent manner try to copy sounds from you and the family. From there on, the progress in language is almost stupendous and toddlers grasp and learn to pronounce words and learn to speak by forming sentences on their own.