Sensory issues, autism, or normal toddler behavior?

(March 24, 2010)

Autism is a condition that affects the brain which can be described as a condition where communication and social behavior is restricted. It may also be characterized by repetitive behavior. The symptoms of autism may be visible from the as early as 18 months when the toddler begins to behave independently and its personality begins to develop. Autism has been linked to genetics; however the exact gene or group of genes responsible for this is unclear as of now.

Parents may also observe that the child appears to be developing normally before signs of autism begin to show. This is one of the ways in which the condition progresses. Psychologists have developed techniques to help autistic children and adults with varying degrees of success. Autistic people tend not to do well independently and often have to live with someone for their whole life. However, there is a sub division among autistic people to describe those who can live relatively normally. This sub division is known as high functioning autism.

Autistic people are generally unable to interact properly in a social situation. They may not be able to pick up on normal behavior signals that normally developed people would be able to. This may include an inability to process facial expressions in people they are interacting with resulting in their difficulty in interacting with them.  Autistic children also find it difficult to make friends and tend to be less interested in doing so. However, this does not mean that they do not need or like human company. Autistic children are likely to be happy when treated normally and cared for well by parents and family. Behavioral clues to autism include repetitive behavior. Children are often noted to stack or line up objects meticulously. This is a sign of autistic behavior. It may also be unrelated, but is generally noted as a sign when other symptoms also present themselves. Children may also resist change, and be aggressive when their routine is changed.

If your child is suffering from a sensory issue, this will be characterized by a high resistance to pain, ability to tolerate loud noises and generally uncoordinated behavior. Children with sensory issues may not react when they hear a loud noise. Your child may be enamored by flashy objects. Actions like turning lights on and off are symptoms that your child is suffering from sensory issues. Your child may also overreact to various odors.

Submitted by P T on March 24, 2010 at 01:25

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