What to Expect in Week 10 of Pregnancy?

(June 17, 2010)

What To Expect During Pregnancy Week 10

Welcome to Week 10 of pregnancy! Pregnancy is definitely an exciting phase for any woman. With each passing trimester, there is a special surprise in store for you. By week 10, all the vital organs of your baby are formed and also start functioning.

By this time, the web in between the toes and fingers disappear and they are no longer webbed. Your baby’s internal organs also start developing. His/her taste buds start forming and if the baby is a boy, his testes will also start functioning and will produce male hormone testosterone around this time.

Week 10 is the time when any congenital defects in pregnancy may show up. Week 10 is also the end of the embryonic stage of pregnancy. By the end of 10 week the baby will look more human and will have defined features and officially the embryo becomes a fetus.

Your baby will be around an inch and a half long by this time. Your baby’s organs like the brain, liver, kidney keep growing and developing. Your baby’s toenails also start appearing.

Know your body

The good news is that you will finally find some relief from morning sickness and nausea in this period of pregnancy. This is when you will go for your first prenatal visit. Your doctor will ask you to undergo several tests and check-ups in order to make sure that your pregnancy is safe and your baby is fit and fine. Your doctor may ask you to get a blood test done, may check your weight in order to make sure that you are gaining weight the right way, and may check the baby’s size and position so that the pregnancy is safe in every way.

Week 10 of pregnancy is the best time to look for any genetic problems and to test your blood type. Your body will continue to undergo changes even at this stage. Expect your belly to grow in size and some tenderness in your breasts.

If you have any queries regarding your pregnancy do not hesitate to ask your doctor. Even if it seems like a trivial thing, make sure that you get an explanation from your doctor. Get a list of do’s and don’ts from your doctor and follow it to ensure that the ride of pregnancy is smooth and not bumpy.

Make sure you follow your doctor’s instructions and do not miss your check-ups.

Submitted by P T on June 17, 2010 at 12:22

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