Postpartum depression which is also known as postnatal depression is basically a form of clinical depression that is known to affect women immediately after child birth. In most cases the postpartum depression symptom may last for a few months after the delivery of the child whereas in some cases they may last for even up to a year. The common
signs of postpartum depression are fatigue, sadness, irritability, anxiety, restlessness, crying episodes, reduced libido, feelings of guilt etc. There are certain studies that show that post partum depression is caused because of the lack of certain vitamins in the women whereas one of the most dominant
causes of postpartum depression in women is the fluctuations in their hormonal levels after delivery of the child. After delivery, the estrogen and the progesterone levels in the women tend to drop drastically which results in them suffering from
postpartum depression symptoms. Additionally in some women, the thyroid levels may also fall which results in them feeling tired all the time after delivery. There has also been research that states that women tend to suffer from
postpartum depression after delivery in account of a drop in the insulin levels which in turn tends to bring a reduction in the level of serotonin in the brain which is known for impacting and causing mood disorders in the individual. Another cause or risk factor of postpartum depression in women is marital dissatisfaction because studies have shown that women who are close to the spouse or partners are known to suffer less from postpartum depression. Many new mothers are also known to suffer from sleep deprivation which may further act as risk for postpartum depression thereby hampering their ability to care for their child. Additionally first time mothers also have to deal with the emotional, physical and lifestyle changes and this may take o\a toll on them emotionally putting them at risk of postpartum depression. Some physical changes that tend to cause postpartum depression in women also include changes in the blood pressure, body metabolism and amount of blood in the body after childbirth. Postpartum depression is also caused on account of emotional reasons such as an unsatisfied birth experience such as the spouse not being able to be present at the delivery, anxiety about being a great mother, inability to accept the responsibilities of motherhood, medical complications that make it difficult to care for the baby as well as a sense of losing one’s body image.
Submitted by N on November 17, 2010 at 12:47
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