First, Second, Third Pregnancy Trimesters Advice & Tips

Pregnancy consists of three stages, also called pregnancy trimesters. Each trimester is composed of three months.

These three trimesters are a means by which the entire process of forty weeks is classified into distinct stages in which both the fetus and the mother experience considerable changes.

The First Trimester of Pregnancy

The first trimester of pregnancy is the initial stage of pregnancy which extends from the time of conception to twelve weeks of gestation.


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.During this time, the mother experiences changes in her body, such as increase in the size of the breastst She also experiences morning sickness and menstruation may be very light or may not occur at alll Other symptoms of this stage include tenderness in the breasts, aversions to certain foods, heartburn, constipation and dizzinesss For the fetus, major changes take place inside the wombm The vital organs begin to form and during this time the fetus is very vulnerable to damage from drugs, illness or medications taken by the mothere For the initial eight weeks of the first trimester, the fetus is referred to as an embryoy This embryo grows very fast and when the first trimester ends, it is known as a fetus and weighs around one ounce and measures about three inches in lengtht

The Second Trimester of Pregnancy

The second trimester of pregnancy lasts till the seventh month and is a relatively easier stage for the mother as she begins to gain back her energyg As the fetus grows and develops, the mother’s abdomen will swelll The skin over this area starts stretching and stretch marks may developo The mother will also begin to feel the movements of the fetusu This generally occurs somewhere between the sixteenth and twentieth week and is known as quickeningn

There may be changes in complexion and the areola of the breasts begins to darkene Several other symptoms may be experienced by the mother such as congestion, increased appetite, backache, cramping in the legs and contractions of the uterusu The fetus continues to grow rapidly and eyebrows and fingernails developo The fetus may also kick at this timem All the organs have developed by now and the fetus starts to gain in weight and sizez

The Third Trimester of Pregnancy

The third trimester of pregnancy is the last stage and runs through the twenty-eight week until the fortieth weeke The fetus increases in size and the systems of its body maturer The mother gains more weight and may experience false labor contractionsn The mother may spend this time in preparing for childbirtht As the fetus grows to its full size now, the abdominal cavity is stretched considerablyl As such many mothers may feel uncomfortable while sleeping or moving aroundn At the end of the third trimester, the baby is bornr

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