How Fetus Looks At 6 Weeks?

(January 13, 2011)

Many pregnant women are keen on knowing how the fetus looks at 6 weeks of pregnancy and hence would also go in for an ultrasound when they visit the doctor. The fetus at 6 weeks is basically still an embryo that would have reached the size of around 8 mm in length. Additionally the fetus at 6 weeks gestation will also shows signs of the development of the first blood vessels and blood cells. During 6 weeks pregnant the spinal cord of the fetus that was open all along will begin to gradually close and the blood will also begin to move through the newly developed blood vessels that are connected to the yolk sac. The fetus at 6 weeks and especially during the first few weeks of pregnancy tends to develop at a rapid rate which is why many pregnant women tend to report feeling very tired. During week 6 of pregnancy as well as through the rest of the pregnancy it is essential for the mother to get plenty of fresh air, sufficient amount of rest, moderate exercise as also maintain and follow a healthy and well balanced diet. Read more on fetal development week by week

When the fetus is at 6 weeks gestation the brain will also start to divide into five distinct parts and the cells that are meant to form the legs and arms of the child will also move into place. Similarly the ultrasound of the fetus at 6 weeks will also reveal the formation of the optic pits which will gradually develop into the baby’s eyes as the pregnancy progresses. During week 6 of the pregnancy the fetus will also have a developed heat and the heart beat can also be heard. Also see how fetus grows

In fact the fetus at 6 weeks gestation will have most of the major organs formed although they may not be fully developed and fully functional. During the first few weeks of the pregnancy along with the usual symptoms, the woman may also experience headaches from time to time on account of a rise in the hormonal levels. At 6 weeks of pregnancy the fetus will be the size of a raisin and will also have two small folds, one on each side of its ears which will gradually develop into the ears of the baby. The fetus at week 6 of the gestation period will also be observed having a head that is very large as compared to the rest of the body and the facial features of the baby will also begin forming gradually.

Submitted by N on January 13, 2011 at 11:09

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