How big is a baby at 10 weeks pregnant?

(April 1, 2011)

10 weeks of gestation marks the end of the first quarter of pregnancy. The initial phase of pregnancy was crucial as it mainly revolved around the formation of various organs. With the onset of the tenth week of pregnancy, the risk of pregnancy loss or miscarriage falls considerably. Now the fetal stage of pregnancy begins and the organs will develop and mature over the next few weeks. Later on in the pregnancy, the baby will begin to put on a considerable amount of weight.  

A baby at 10 weeks pregnant is beginning to look more like a little child rather than a swimming tadpole. The head, with a broad bulging forehead, is still much bigger than the rest of the body but the ‘tail’ that made it look like a tadpole has disappeared. Short hands and legs have also formed with little toes and fingers. The eyes are fused shut and placed awkwardly on either side of the head but will draw closer to the nose with the passage of time. Presently, the baby’s body gets its shape due to soft cartilage. Gradually, this frame will harden and form a bony skeleton. ‘How big is a baby at 10 weeks pregnant?’ is a very commonly asked question. It is difficult to judge the accurate size of a baby at 10 weeks pregnant because the baby is still curled up and hence is measured from crown to rump, not up to the heels. At 10 weeks, a developing baby is just a little over an inch in length from crown to rump and weighs approximately 4 grams. A sonogram of a baby at 10 weeks pregnant is recommended by most doctors to access the progress of the baby as well as to confirm that the baby has formed well.

At 10 weeks of gestation, the pregnancy hormone hCG reaches its peak and then slowly starts to fall until it reaches a level which does not cause much discomfort. As a result of this, nausea and vomiting which were very common, in most cases, reduces drastically. Nevertheless, some women do experience these uncomfortable symptoms throughout their pregnancy term, more so in the third trimester. In most cases, pregnant women begin to go through a phase of severe mood swings as the 10th week draws to an end. Many women tend to feel very low and may also experience depression. If this happens, consulting your doctor is highly recommended.

Submitted by N on April 1, 2011 at 07:52

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