What does my baby look like at 19 weeks pregnant?

(July 25, 2011)

Women who have reached pregnancy week 19 would find themselves asking their doctor, “What does my baby look like at 19 weeks pregnant?” and this curiosity would only mount as the pregnancy progresses. The length of baby at 19 weeks pregnant will be almost 5 to 6 inches and this will continue to increase as the pregnancy progresses. Similarly the baby’s weight at 19 weeks pregnant will most likely be around 7 to 8 ounces. At 19 weeks pregnant most women are known to be able to feel their uterus a little less than an inch below their navel. One of the highly significant aspects of the baby at 19 weeks pregnant is the rate at which the brain has developed. In fact the brain is known to be the first organ that starts to develop and this will result in the baby having an oversized head as compared to the rest of its body.

The baby at 19 weeks pregnant will also have developed a set of nerves that will connect the various muscles that are present all over the baby’s body to its brain and this will result in better coordination in the baby’s movements. Similarly the baby at 19 weeks pregnant will also have buds that begin to develop and that will gradually form teeth in the months to come. The baby at 19 weeks pregnant when observed through an ultrasound will also be seen having ears that tend to stick out from either sides of its head.  The arms and legs of the baby at 19 weeks pregnant will also be almost proportionate and the feet of the baby are almost one inch in length. Along with ten rapid changes occurring in the baby at 19 weeks pregnant, the mother will also start having some more pregnancy symptoms such as severe leg cramps at this stage of the pregnancy. Additionally , the mother may also tend  to feel a certain amount of numbness or tingling sensation in her hands and feet at this stage of the pregnancy which may be on account of the pressure exerted by the growing body on the  nerves. The baby at 19 weeks pregnant will also have bones that will have hardened to some extent and the muscles of the baby will also be getting stronger during this week of the pregnancy and henceforth. The kidneys of the baby at 19 weeks pregnant will also start producing urine.

Submitted by N on July 25, 2011 at 06:15

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