Can you have a miscarriage at 6 months?

(August 19, 2011)

Can you have a miscarriage at 6 months?

The sixth month of pregnancy means that you are approaching the end of the second trimester. Fortunately, the risks of a miscarriage at 6 months are very slim; studies indicate that less than 1% of all pregnancies result in a miscarriage at 6 months. Nevertheless, it is possible for a pregnancy to get terminated involuntarily, even in the 6th month. However, since the baby is almost fully formed by the 6th month, the loss of a pregnancy at this stage is known as a stillbirth.

Symptoms of miscarriage at 6 months pregnant

The symptoms of a miscarriage at 6 months are quite similar to the first trimester. You need to let your doctor know in case you experience:

• Light to heavy bleeding, along with abdominal pains
• Abdominal cramps
• Leakage of amniotic fluid, with blood clots or tissue in it
• Spotting
• Pinkish brown discharge
• Fever
• Vomiting
• Severe backache

The absence or cessation of normal pregnancy symptoms like breast tenderness, morning sickness, frequent urination, food cravings/ aversions and so on are also warning signs that a miscarriage could have occurred. Such symptoms should never be neglected and immediate medical help should be taken.

The pain that occurs in a 6 months miscarriage is as severe at labor pain. It may not be possible for your body to remove the fetus without medical assistance; your doctor will perform the dilation and curettage procedure, to clean the womb out.

Causes of miscarriage at 6 months

There are several different factors that could lead to a miscarriage, even in the 6th month of pregnancy. The most common reasons for miscarriage at 6 months are:

• Bacterial or viral infections
• Cervical disorders
• Congenital heart disease
• Growths in the uterus (fibroids)
• Hormonal problems and imbalances
• Medical conditions like diabetes or high blood pressure
• Overexposure to hazardous toxic agents and radiation
• Prenatal tests like amniocentesis and Chorionic Villus Sampling (CVS)
• Presence of auto immune diseases or sexually transmitted diseases
• Problems with the placenta
• Severe malnutrition
• Intense physical trauma, affecting the abdominal area
• Unhealthy lifestyle choices like smoking, alcohol consumption, use of recreational drugs
• Uterine malformation like a scarred or a divided uterus

Unfortunately, in most cases, doctors are unable to determine the exact reasons for miscarriage at 6 months of pregnancy. However, in case you have faced repeated instances of a miscarriage, you may be advised to send the samples of the fetus to a lab for testing, through which the causes of the miscarriage can be determined.

Submitted by N on August 19, 2011 at 12:00

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