Can you have a miscarriage at 7 months?

(August 19, 2011)

Can you have a miscarriage at 7 months?

At 7 months you have reached the third trimester of pregnancy, which is relatively safe; nevertheless, you need to be careful about your and your baby’s health. A loss of pregnancy can occur at any stage, but having a miscarriage at 7 months pregnant is not common. A miscarriage at 7 months is actually called a stillbirth as the baby is nearly fully developed. Stillbirth is a very sensitive issue can be devastating for the couples who go through it.

Miscarriage at 7 months causes

Miscarriage at 7 months could occur due to the several different factors. A lot of the causes are related to maternal health, which include:

• High blood pressure
• Thyroid disorders
• Illness and infections
• Abdominal trauma
• Kidney  problems
• Diabetes
• Smoking, drinking alcohol, recreational drug use.
• Advanced age

Other causes for a miscarriage at 7 months could include slow fetal development, birth defects, placental problems, cervical complications and uterine abnormalities.

Miscarriage at 7 months symptoms

The symptoms are quite to miscarriages that occur in the first two trimesters. One of the signs of miscarriage can be disappearance of pregnancy symptoms. If you notice any of the symptoms below you should contact your doctor immediately;

• Vaginal bleeding that is painful could be light, constant, irregular or heavy.
• Pain (just like labor pains) in the abdomen, lower back,
• Cramps or contractions
• Fetal tissue or blood clots being passed from the vagina
• Spotting or discharge

Most people believe that bleeding is one of the first symptoms of a miscarriage. However, irregular bleeding can occur due to several other reasons as well, like cervical irritation or premature delivery. Bleeding at any stage of pregnancy should not be left unchecked. You need to let your doctor know even of you notice a few traces of blood.

At 7 months, you should also be able to feel the baby’s movements quite regularly. The absence of regular fetal movements is a cause for concern and you need to inform your doctor about it. To be on the safer side, you should go through a checkup even if you notice a decrease in fetal movement.

If you experience any or all of the above symptoms, please consult with your doctor immediately, as he or she can evaluate you by tests as to whether you had a miscarriage or are about to have one. If there is any way in which a miscarriage can be averted, your doctor will inform you about it. You need to make sure that you follow your doctor’s instructions to the tee, till the danger passes.

Submitted by N on August 19, 2011 at 12:31

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