Nocturnal Enuresis - The primary cause of baby bedwetting

Baby bedwetting is a common pediatric health issue, which is normal in children up to 6 and 7 seven years of age. The medical term for the condition is nocturnal enuresis, which is the involuntary passing of urine while asleep at an age when bladder control is normally expected. There are two types of enuresis: primary and secondary.

In primary enuresis, the child has not stayed dry on a regular basis, and in secondary enuresis, a child or adult is wetting the bed after having stayed dry. Parents get worried quickly as they expect the child to stay dry very early.


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Girls generally stay dry by age six and boys take a little longer, staying dry by the age of seven. Day time control comes easier than staying dry at night. Most often bedwetting is a developmental delay and not an emotional or physical illness, and only a very small percentage has certain specific medical conditions which need to be treated.

Bedwetting is prevented in the body by a hormone that reduces urine production at night, and this hormone cycle is not present at birth. For this reason, children stay dry or wet according to their individual growth.

Factors causing Baby Bedwetting

The factors that cause bedwetting are the gender of the child, the emotional and physical maturity, and chronic illness or abuse. Since the most obvious cause for bedwetting is developmental delay, baby bedwetting treatment chiefly lies in encouraging the child and promoting self-esteem in him or her. Keep in mind that bedwetting children get emotionally stressed if are they punished or shamed by their condition.

Thus, bedwetting must be treated calmly by the parents. Try not to talk to other people about it as this can make it a very stressful event in the growing-up phase of the child. Children often face criticism from siblings, punishment from parents or caregivers, and the fear that their friends will find out; this causes them additional strain. Parental fighting or divorce can also cause further delay in learning to stay dry.

Your child needs positive reinforcement and support. In case of nocturnal enuresis in children, encourage your child to wake up when his/her bladder is full and assure them that they can wake you if they need help. Instill confidence in the child that you are with them in this phase of growing up, even if it means more soiled clothing and additional laundry. You can put up a star chart, and reward the child when they stay dry at night.

Baby Bed Wetting
Baby Bed wetting
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