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Baby Boy is Having Teething Problems
Ashley | December 17, 2009

Teething is a major step in your baby’s development. Some babies have no trouble at all during this process, while some tend to experience a great deal of discomfort. Teething can cause normally cheerful babies to become cranky and moody due to the uneasiness resulting from getting their first milk teeth. You can help your baby deal with this important step in their lives easily and painlessly by being aware of the signs of teething and the steps that need to be taken to alleviate the discomfort.
Babies may begin to teeth anywhere between three months to one year of age. There are twenty milk teeth or deciduous teeth in all. These twenty teeth can take several years to grow and develop. Baby teeth are also referred to as cutting teeth since they cut through the gums of the infant as they grow. Teething usually begins with symptoms such as irritability, loss of appetite and swelling of the gums. The baby may begin to chew on various objects and is likely to also produce excess saliva during this time. Earaches, diaper rash and mild fever may also occur as part of the teething process. The most common problem encountered by parents as their baby begins teething is that the baby tends to gnaw and chew on any object he can get his hands on. These objects may be sharp or so small that they can be swallowed easily, resulting in chocking.
You can make use of special teething rings and toys that can be given to the baby to chew on. They gently massage the soft gums of the baby, without posing any risk. Chilled teething rings are known to help in alleviating and soothing the baby’s gums. The discomfort and irritation of the gums during teething can be relieved by gently massaging the baby’s gums with your fingers as this is very soothing for the child. You can also allow the baby to chew on a cool washcloth. Avoid giving the baby sugary foods as it could accumulate around the gums and cause infection. Some babies are comforted if they are given a feed during a teething spell. Since teething causes the baby to drool a great deal, rashes may develop on the mouth and chin. Apply a little petroleum jelly around these areas to ease irritation. However ensure that you do not apply any petroleum jelly on the baby’s gums. Give the baby chilled food such as yogurt or sliced banana.
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