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Symptoms after Miscarriage
Kieth | January 12, 2012

When the unborn baby dies before the completion of twenty weeks of gestation, it is a miscarriage. In most cases of miscarriage, the baby passes away before seeing the light of day as it is too delicate. In a few situations, the baby passes away inside the uterus without the mother even knowing and the loss comes to light only during the course of a medical examination.
The main signs of a miscarriage are vaginal bleeding and cramping. If the miscarriage occurs before the seventh week of pregnancy, one may experience symptoms similar to those during a menstrual period, like bleeding and mild abdominal cramping. If the loss takes place between the seventh and thirteenth week of gestation, the embryo and placenta may be expelled, surrounded by a clot. The expulsion of blood clots along with severe abdominal cramps is common at such a time. A miscarriage occurring after the thirteenth week is usually accompanied by pain similar to labor contractions and the baby is usually delivered through the natural process of childbirth. In many cases, the placenta does not get expelled completely and a medical procedure may be required to ensure that the uterus is free of all the products of conception. If not cleaned completely, it could result in a uterine infection that could lead to future complications. The symptoms of infection after miscarriage include severe pain and an unpleasant change in the vaginal discharge. Fever and persistent bleeding accompanied by a foul odor could be indicative of an infection post-miscarriage.
Pregnancy symptoms after miscarriage are uncommon. Most miscarriages occur during the first trimester and early pregnancy symptoms after miscarriage cease almost immediately. The normal physical symptoms after miscarriage also include lower back pain and nausea. The woman may also experience abdominal cramping for a while after the miscarriage as the uterus works on regaining its normal size and structure. Feeling of grief and guilt make recovery from a miscarriage even more difficult. A normal menstrual cycle usually resumes around a month and a half after a miscarriage. Period symptoms after miscarriage include the regular mood swings, breast tenderness and mild cramping. The first period after a miscarriage may not be normal, rather heavy flow or irregular spotting or bleeding is commonly experienced.
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