Home Blogs Do’s and Don’ts to follow during Pregnancy
Do’s and Don’ts to follow during Pregnancy
Ashley | January 19, 2010

Every culture, family, and individual looks at pregnancy differently. Everyone’s experiences vary, even within the family and from pregnancy to pregnancy. Nevertheless, there are certain proven guidelines and measures that can be followed during this very crucial and significant period in your life.
Pregnancy do’s
- Develop a healthy and positive mind set toward the pregnancy. Several conditions and side effects associated with pregnancy such as morning sickness, nausea, and depression can be counteracted by a positive mind set.
- Be conscious and informed about the changes that are happening in your body. Very often fear comes out of ignorance of what is happening to your body and the changes that occur that seem a little alien to you. Good information from the right sources can keep you free from such fear and panic.
- Develop a healthy nutritional plan that will suffice for you and your baby. It is not necessary that you have to eat ‘enough for two’; instead follow the recommended dietary allowances for a pregnant woman and add to your diet calcium, iron, and the other nutrients that are needed at the different stages of pregnancy.
Remember that at every stage different developments are happening to your baby and modifying your diet accordingly will benefit the growth of the baby.
- Stay active. Continue with a safe and good exercise routine throughout your pregnancy, unless you have a complicated or high risk pregnancy. It is important to always consult your physician before you embark on any sort of exercise routine. Exercise keeps you energetic and will make you continue to feel good about yourself even as your body keeps going through all these changes.
Pregnancy don’ts
- Do not smoke or drink alcohol. This can stunt the baby’s growth and also cause birth defects.
- Do not wear high heels. Your body is already under enough strain because of the additional weight that it has to bear.
- Do not get up or sit down with a jerky movement.
- Do not carry heavy loads. Especially if you already have children, be careful about not lifting them. Allow them to sit on your lap only when you are already sitting down comfortably.
- Try not to eat junk food and too much food from outside.
- Avoid raw and rare cooked meats, like barbeques and sushi. Also avoid food that may have raw egg white.
- Do not sleep flat on your back. This position may cause pressure on the vena cava, which is the artery that carries oxygen to the uterus. Sleep instead on your side. Sleeping to your left side is the best position as it allows maximum oxygen flow to the baby.
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