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Unplanned Teenage Pregnancy
Kieth | September 11, 2012

Research has shown that almost 85% of teenage pregnancies are unplanned which puts the mother and the child at risk, as in most cases prenatal care is delayed or completely ignored. Many a time teenage pregnancies may result in premature birth or even low weight babies because of the teen mothers being addicted to smoking, alcohol consumption etc., even while pregnant. This may also result in certain birth deformities and brain damage in the baby.
How to avoid an unplanned teenage pregnancy
Teenagers are usually under the impression that even if they have unprotected sex they will not become pregnant. This is mostly on account of ignorance or lack of education with regards to sex and reproduction. This ignorance when coupled with an increase in the hormonal levels on account of puberty, as well as general curiosity towards the opposite sex tend to be the primary causes for unplanned teenage pregnancy.
Some of the key precautions for an unplanned teenage pregnancy include:
- Condoms: Teenagers should be well educated about the importance of using a condom or any other contraceptive or the overall practice of safe sex. Teenagers should also be educated about the correct use of a condom so that the possibility of having an unplanned teenage pregnancy is minimized. The use of condoms is also essential to prevent the use of sexually transmitted diseases and possible infections.
- One of the simplest and of course most effective way to avoid teenage pregnancy is to abstain from sexual intercourse at an early age. At this time a teen is already undergoing a lot of physical and hormonal changes and hence may not be able to cope with the physical demands of pregnancy, let alone the emotional ones.
- Teenage girls should also be explained the importance of birth control pills and their use in case they are sexually active. Before indulging in teenage sex, a teenage girl must visit a gynecologist who will prescribe the right birth control pills for her taking into consideration any pre-existing medical conditions such as migraines.
- In case a teenager has indulged in unsafe sex, then to avoid an unplanned pregnancy they should be educated about the morning after pill or emergency contraception which is known to be effective in preventing unplanned pregnancies.
- One of the most effective ways to guide or educate a teenager about sexual intercourse is maintain a clear channel of communication. To avoid an unplanned teenage pregnancy, parents must speak openly to their children about sex. The teenager feels comfortable and can then share his feelings, opinions, ask questions and clear doubts.
How to cope with an unplanned teenage pregnancy
Most teenagers tend to have three options in terms of coping with an unplanned teenage pregnancy and these include:
- Adoption
- Abortion
- Continuing the pregnancy
In all of these options, the teenager should be given appropriate medical advice with regards to the pregnancy and also have the support of their family and friends to cope with the unplanned pregnancy in a healthy and mature way.
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