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Lower Abdominal Pain In Pregnancy During 1st, 2nd & 3rd Trimester

There are several changes that take place within a woman’s body, during the entire course of pregnancy. Unfortunately, women may go through different forms of physical discomfort during any time of pregnancy. In some cases, the physical pain & discomfort could be absolutely normal, but in others, it could be a major cause for concern. There are many women, who several women suffer from lower abdominal pain during pregnancy, which could cause them to panic and get worried. However, it is important to realize that lower abdominal pain during pregnancy is not always an indication of a problem. You could save yourself a lot of stress and worry, if you consult a doctor and undergo a checkup, as soon as you experience lower abdominal pain during pregnancy. Moreover, known about the various factors that lead to lower abdominal pain during the different stages of pregnancy could also be very helpful.
Lower abdominal pain during pregnancy first trimester
Several women incorporate drastic changes in their diets, as soon as they realize that they are pregnant, or even when they are planning to have a baby. These dietary changes could bring about digestive problems, like constipation or stomach gas. This is quite harmless and should get resolved on its own, within a short while. Moreover, there are a few home remedies that pregnant women can use, to alleviate digestive problems and the pain caused by them.
However, there are many women, who have experienced an ectopic pregnancy, where the fertilized egg gets implanted in one of the tubes. This phenomenon is generally characterized by severe lower abdominal pain during the first trimester. If left untreated, this condition could be life threatening.
The first trimester is one of the most crucial stages of pregnancy, as most of the miscarriages occur during this stage. Unfortunately, lower abdominal pain during the first trimester could also be an indication of a miscarriage.
Lower abdominal pain during pregnancy second trimester
Fortunately, the chances of a miscarriage reduce significantly, when you enter the second trimester. It is quite likely for you to experience lower abdominal pain during pregnancy 2nd trimester, as the muscles in your body stretch to make room for your growing baby. However, severe or persistent lower abdominal pain should not be left ignored.
Lower abdominal pain during pregnancy third trimester
Most women regard intense lower abdominal pain during pregnancy as sign of labor especially if it occurs towards the end of the third trimester. However, there could be several other causes of lower abdominal pain during pregnancy third trimester too, such as false labor, urinary tract infections, food poisoning and placental problems, to name a few.
It is important for you to inform the doctor about lower abdominal pain during pregnancy, regardless of which phase it occurs in. All instances of intense or prolonged lower abdominal pain during pregnancy should be investigated by a doctor, especially if accompanying symptoms like vaginal bleeding or discharge are also evident.
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