Treatment & Signs of Chicken Pox in Toddlers

Chicken pox is a very contagious condition that is caused by the varicella zoster virus. This condition is very common among children that are below the age of 12. Vaccinating your child with the varivax vaccine can help in preventing this illness. This condition being highly contagious in nature spreads easily. Chicken pox is most contagious a day before the appearance of the rash.

The virus spreads from one person to the next through direct contact. One can contract the illness either by touching a blister or by touching the liquid that is let out from the blisters. In fact, one can get infected by simply touching the spit of an infected person. The chicken pox virus is airborne, which means it can also spread through air.


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When a person with chicken pox sneezes or coughs the virus is spread through the tiny spit droplets, this is why family members are at the highest risk of getting infected.

Symptoms of Chicken Pox in toddlers

Chickenpox is characterized by the formation of an itchy red rash on one's skin. The rash usually manifests itself on the face, back and abdomen first, and then spreads to almost every other part of one's body, including the ears, nose, mouth, scalp and genitals. The chickenpox toddler rashes starts off as multiple tiny, red bumps, which look like insect bites or pimples. These bumps then develop into blisters that are filled with a clear fluid, which later turns cloudy. Eventually the blisters rupture, to leave open sores that dry out and become brown scabs. Toddler chicken pox symptoms begin with a low fever, decreased activity and a loss of appetite. The child will then develop the red itchy rash, which first appears on the face, scalp and trunk and then spreads to the legs and arms.

Once the bumps turn into blisters and then open sores, they crust over in about 24 hours. However, new bumps will continue to form for the next 3-4 days.

Remedies for Chicken Pox in toddlers

Most of the blisters will have crusted over in the next 6 days and the child is no longer contagious at this point. An additional week or two may be required for the scabs to heal completely. There is no remedial treatment for Chicken pox in toddlers. Treatments are basically aimed at making the child more comfortable and could also include oatmeal baths, pain relievers and increased fluid intake. It is advisable to consult the child's pediatrician for medications to combat the fever and itchiness.

Toddler Chicken Pox
Toddler Chicken Pox
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