Treating Bacterial Infection In Toddlers

Bacterial infections in toddlers share the same symptoms with viral infections and are often difficult to distinguish. The difference lies in the response the toddler has to the infection and of course the microbes causing the infection. Viral infections are usually slow unlike bacterial infections which can take root and grow rapidly in the child's body.

Bacterial infections like meningitis can become life threatening within days or even hours. Toddler bacterial infection is symptomized by a rash which looks like a red spot on one place in the body or multiple spots which can vary in color from red to a deep purple. The infection occurs when the bacteria attacks and attaches itself to the outer surface of the cells in the body.


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This causes toxic products to be released within the body or alternatively leading the immune system to attack the bacteria by killing it off. This attack, however, causes high fever and a fluctuating blood pressure.

Causes of Bacterial Infection in Toddlers

Toddler bacterial infections are caused by bacteria which enter through the mucous membranes in the body such as nasal passages, mouth, rectum, genitals, or even skin that has been bruised due to diaper rashes. Bacterial infection in toddlers can be prevented by practising the utmost hygiene. The parent and day care provider must keep their hands clean and washed with an anti-bacterial soap, before and after changing the child's diapers or wiping a runny nose. The child should not be kissed on the face and disallow a sharing of pacifiers and sippy cups if there are other children not far apart in years in the house.

The toddler's cups and plates must be washed in hot water and any toys that the child may have put into the mouth will have to be thrown away or washed to avoid re-infection.

Treatment for Bacterial Infection in Toddlers

As far as treatment at home goes, the child can be wiped down with a flannel dipped in warm water. Depending on the age of the child and the kind of food s/he is used to, you may feed the child with diluted fruit juice, warm soup, lemon juice with both salt and sugar added, carrot juice or just plain lukewarm water. If the bacterial infection has caused a high fever, a cold compress may be applied to the child's forehead every 15 minutes or so. This will bring down the fever and reduce the child's irritability. Do note that a bacterial infection requires medical attention and the doctor will put the toddler on antibiotics.

Toddler Bacterial Infection
Toddler Bacterial Infection
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